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[HELP]Increase Random Mob Drops


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I understand how to make the mob drops 0-2 dropping only 1 out of 2 and sometimes nothing, but how would I increase that number to say 10? 1-10 and only 1 out of 10 items? This is what I have now.


    protected void dropFewItems(boolean par1, int par2)


        int random = this.rand.nextInt(4) + this.rand.nextInt(1 + par2);


for (int k = 0; k < random; ++k)



        if(k == 2){


            this.dropItem(PhantasyRealmsItems.blade, 1);





        if (k == 1){


        this.dropItem(PhantasyRealmsItems.brand, 1);


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Well, just change how you calculate the number. Random.nextInt(n) gives you a number between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive).

So Random.nextInt(3) gives you 0, 1 or 2. Then just use math to get to the range you want.


yes but when I try to add on to this

      for (int k = 0; k < random; ++k)



        if(k == 2){


              this.dropItem(PhantasyRealmsItems.blade, 1);





        if (k == 1){


          this.dropItem(PhantasyRealmsItems.brand, 1);





        if (k == 3){


          this.dropItem(PhantasyRealmsItems.brand, 1);



and so on it just makes killing the mob  drop both items after the first else.. I dont know Im at a loss for what to do after setting Random.nextInt(n) to a higher number.

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First select the drop type, it's a number from 0-9 (10 possible types):

int dropType = rand.nextInt(10);


Then select how many of that Item to drop (1-10):

int dropAmount = 1 + rand.nextInt(10);


Then switch on the drop type and drop the selected amount of it. This is not hard.


No sorry, I read your comment wrong, there are 10 possible Items a mob can drop, each time a mob is killed 1 out of those 10 items is dropped.

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Then just remove the drop amount part. Just select the drop type and drop it...

Thanks, I know it may seem basic to you guys but I learn by trial and error and by actually testing with things not just reading about them, and I appreciate you helping me out. Thank you

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