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[1.8] delete a itemStack completely how you do this ?<SOLVED>


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good days


i have an anoying issue

normaly i remove an item from the inventory using


Item ap=Items.applet;



but that just remove an unity from the stack


so to remove a complete stack i create a null item named  itemvacio

replace the complete stack whit a stak of one single itemvacio


and then consume the itemvacio whith



but there comes the pain

has happen whith mi itemvacio and whith mi others custome bullets


at the remove whith consumeInventoryItem event  it lets behind and stack of zero items

and gets stuck in inventory, i cant throw it whit q, i cant muve it whith the mouse

the only way is put over another itemvacio to make the stack go up to one then it behaves again normaly 


this way to delete stacks has this bug

there is another way of removing a full stack ?

or at lest a way to make minecraft get ride of this staks of zero items

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