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I'm trying to update one of my mods from 1.4 to 1.7. But when ever I try and decompile in 1.4 I keep getting an error. I know this error happens with any version before 1.6. I think it's because the files have been removed from where the terminal is trying to download them from. If anyone has the files and can give me directions on how to fix this error I would be greatly thankful!


I need to decompile a fresh version of 1.4.7 in order to update my files to 1.7. Can someone please help me? I really don't want my mod to die because of a silly error :'(


Last login: Tue Jan  6 23:47:55 on ttys000

racs-MacBook-Air:~ rac$ cd /Users/rac/Desktop/Mod

racs-MacBook-Air:Mod rac$ bash /Users/rac/Desktop/Mod/decompile.sh

== MCP 7.26 (data: 7.26a, client: 1.4.7, server: 1.4.7) ==

# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config

> Creating Retroguard config files

!! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!

== Decompiling client using fernflower ==

> Creating SRGs

> Applying Retroguard

'"java" -cp "runtime/bin/retroguard.jar:lib:lib/*:jars/bin/minecraft.jar:jars/bin/jinput.jar:jars/bin...' failed : 1




Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.

RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound cpw/mods/fml/common/network/IGuiHandler



Decompile failed

racs-MacBook-Air:Mod rac$


Thanks! But it's not just that, I need to copy some code from 1.4 files because some of the files I wrote are dependent on them. And I need to decompile mc 1.4 to get those files that way I can use them with 1.7. Is there any way I can fix this error?


Okay :D thanks! But I still have the problem with the decompiling error :( I came across a fix for it about 8 months ago. But when i tried searching it again on the minecraftforge forums it was removed. It was something about downloading a few files and then replacing them so mcp could decompile properly again.


So I can look at it for reference :) So I can write my files to work and function the same way some of the files in 1.4 work. Because some of the files for my mod rely on some of those files and the way they work.


Okay. I'm trying to decompile minecraft 1.4.7 using mcp forge. But whenever I try to, i get the error that says i'm missing certain classes. As far as I know, this issue occurs with every mc version before 1.6. I just want to decompile 1.4.7 again so I can finish up my coding for my mod, reobfuscate it, update it to 1.7, and then write some files for my mod based off a few 1.4 files. But in order accomplish this list I need to decompile 1.4 which I can't do because of this error :(


Some of the models I made for my mod I made them as .objs. And in order for them to render into the game I had to write a system that rendered objs. The system I wrote relies on some rendering files from 1.4.7 and that's why I need to look at them to write something similar. If you could help me find a fix to the decompile error I would be extremely grateful :D


Okay thanks! :D And I didn't know that :) But when later versions of minecraft come out would I have to write an obj loader or will forge have one by then?

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