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[1.7.10] Custom Entity cant pass "not static" variables to own Model


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I'm using a static boolean that says to the model class when the entity shot, this because into the model class I can set "aimedBow" only when the entity is shooting. Now when I setted "not static" the variable "isShooting" the model class cant recognizes the value even if changed.... also using the "get" function:



private static boolean isShooting = false;

protected void updateAITasks()

if (this.getHeldItem() != null && !this.isSitting())
if (this.getAttackTarget() != null) {
this.isShooting = true;
} else {
this.isShooting = false;

protected boolean getShooting()
return this.isShooting;



public void setLivingAnimations(EntityLivingBase p_78086_1_, float p_78086_2_, float p_78086_3_, float p_78086_4_)
this.aimedBow = (((EntityWizard)p_78086_1_).getShooting());
super.setLivingAnimations(p_78086_1_, p_78086_2_, p_78086_3_, p_78086_4_);



public class RenderWizard extends RenderBiped {

private static final ResourceLocation relaxWizardTexture = new ResourceLocation("mymod:textures/families/wizard.png");
private static final ResourceLocation tamedWizardTexture = new ResourceLocation("mymod:textures/families/wizard_tamed.png");

public RenderWizard(ModelBiped wizard, float par2) {
super(wizard, par2);


protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityWizard p_110775_1_)
//return p_110775_1_.isTamed() ? tamedWizardTexture : (p_110775_1_.isAngry() ? tamedWizardTexture : relaxWizardTexture);
return p_110775_1_.isTamed() ? relaxWizardTexture : relaxWizardTexture;

protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity) {
return this.getEntityTexture((EntityWizard)entity);

protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityLiving entity) {
return this.getEntityTexture((EntityWizard)entity);



If the variable "isShooting" is "not static" the model.class get "isShooting" always = false even if changed ...

If the variable "isShooting" is "static" ALL entities instance are "aimedBow" synchronized ...


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It's always false because you only set its value on the server side (or possibly getAttackTarget is always null on the client).


Anyway, you don't want to use static as you already discovered; instead, you need to send a packet to the client with the current state of the 'isShooting' field for the given entity.


Alternatively, you can store the boolean value in DataWatcher instead, which will handle the packet bit for you.

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