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Create a custom resource listener


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I again repeat my question why you are doing all this, instead of just compiling the mods to java bytecode.


You need to add any new resource packs to Minecraft.getMinecraft().defaultResourcePacks (you need reflection).


keep calm, all ruby code will be compiled, ruby for me is the best language in the world :D you should try.


i don't understand how i add my resource pack into "defaultResoucePacks" exists any method to do this or i will do this in the hard way?


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keep calm, all ruby code will be compiled, ruby for me is the best language in the world :D you should try.

I am not talking about the act of compiling.

I am asking why you are making all this custom loading code instead of using what FML already has, which is tested and reliable.

i don't understand how i add my resource pack into "defaultResoucePacks" exists any method to do this or i will do this in the hard way?

defaultResourcePacks is a List, you add to it in preInit (once). You have to access that field using Reflection.


I'm loading nothing forge loads everything, but if you are talking about the "load" function in my other thread, this is a native function of ruby that load others ruby files, they will be compiled by jruby.


about this bug:

i fixed, changing the proxy to preInit(tanks to the tip :) ) the mod works now(with custom assets :D )




thanks, i learned a new java feature today :D

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