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[1.7.10] LivingSpawnEvent.CheckSpawn never fires


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In my postInit I register my SpawningEventHandler.


    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
        MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SpawningEventHandler());


And in my SpawningEventHandler, I just print out a line as well log a debug line that an entity tried to spawn.


public class SpawningEventHandler {

    public void onCheckIfCanSpawn(CheckSpawn event) 
        System.out.println("[MRC] checking monster"); 
        FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "[WWRPG] checking if monster " + event.entityLiving + " can spawn at x,z,y " + event.x + "," + event.z + "," + event.y);



Neither MRC nor WWRPG ever appear in my logs after seeing numerous creatures and monsters spawn.

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I should note that I see both creatures (chickens, sheep, cows) and monsters (skeletons, zombies, creepers) all spawning in my world.

I have re-generated my world multiple times as well tried moving the "MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SpawningEventHandler());" to the preInit and load.


Still no success in ever seeing an entry into the onCheckIfCanSpawn!

public class SpawningEventHandler {

    public void onCheckIfCanSpawn(CheckSpawn event) 
        System.out.println("[MRC] checking monster"); 
        FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "[WWRPG] checking if monster " + event.entityLiving + " can spawn at x,z,y " + event.x + "," + event.z + "," + event.y);


I do see that the performWorldGenSpawning in SpawnerAnimals.java does spawn EnumCreatureType.creature without ever firing forge's canEntitySpawn method, but I can't figure out how monsters are spawning???


For extra debug, I added an event handler for WorldEvent.PotentialSpawns to check if the monster list isn't null since it is called in the spawnRandomCreature before the ForgeEventFactory.canEntitySpawn method is called.


    public void onPotentialSpawn(WorldEvent.PotentialSpawns event) 
        if ( event.type == EnumCreatureType.monster && event.list != null && !event.list.isEmpty() ){
           System.out.println("[MRC] potential random monster list is valid!"); 


And I get lots of debug hits for that as I explore the world... so I'm guessing either the "spawnlistentry == null" every time or the getConstructor is throwing an exception (even though I see no stack trace in the logs).

But regardless... this does not explain how monsters are still spawning??? I'm going crazy... what is spawning them?

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