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So my custom furnace (mineral extractor) has its own slot where if you place a piece of "powerstone" in it it will change the output amounts to 3 instead of 2. Now here is where it gets stuffed... If you put the powerstone in the slot it wont give out 3, but still 2... BUT if you restart the game it will start giving out 3 like it should. Im almost 100% sure this is because the recipe class isnt getting updated, but dont know how i would. anyway here r the classes:


The int that is giving out the amount is "outputAmount" in the TIleEntity class.


TileEntity class: (youll find the more important stuff in the updateEntity method)



package com.manslaughter777.moondimension.tileentity;

import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.Main;
import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.blocks.BlockBasicMineralExtractor;
import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.blocks.BlockSpaceMelter;
import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.recipes.MineralExtractorRecipes;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

public class TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor extends TileEntity implements ISidedInventory {

private String localizedName;

private static final int[] slots_top = new int[]{0, 3};
private static final int[] slots_bottom = new int[]{2, 1, 4};
private static final int[] slots_side = new int[]{1, 3};

public ItemStack[] slots = new ItemStack[5];

public static int outputAmount = 2;

public int furnaceSpeed = 150; //150
     * The number of ticks that the furnace will keep burning
public int burnTime;
     * The number of ticks that a fresh copy of the currently-burning item would keep the furnace burning for
public int currentItemBurnTime;
     * The number of ticks that the current item has been cooking for
public int cookTime;

public void setGuiDisplayName(String displayName) {
	this.localizedName = displayName;

public String getInventoryName() {
	return this.hasCustomInventoryName() ? this.localizedName : "Mineral Extractor";

public boolean hasCustomInventoryName() {
	return this.localizedName != null && this.localizedName.length() > 0;

public int getSizeInventory() {
	return this.slots.length;

public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int var1) {
	return this.slots[var1];

public ItemStack decrStackSize(int var1, int var2) {
	if(this.slots[var1] != null){
		ItemStack itemstack;				

		if(this.slots[var1].stackSize <= var2 ){
			itemstack = this.slots[var1];
			this.slots[var1] = null;
			return itemstack;
			itemstack = this.slots[var1].splitStack(var2);

			if(this.slots[var1].stackSize == 0) {
				this.slots[var1] = null;

			return itemstack;
		return null;

public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int i) {
	if(this.slots[i]!= null) {
		ItemStack itemstack = this.slots[i];
		this.slots[i] = null;
		return itemstack;
	return null;

public void setInventorySlotContents(int i, ItemStack itemstack) {
	this.slots[i] = itemstack;

	if(itemstack != null && itemstack.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) {
		itemstack.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit();


public int getInventoryStackLimit() {
	return 64;

public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
	return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : entityplayer.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D;

public void openInventory() {}
public void closeInventory() {}

public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack itemstack) {
	return i == 2 ? false : (i == 1 ? isItemFuel(itemstack) : true);

public static boolean isItemFuel (ItemStack itemstack) {
	return getItemBurnTime(itemstack) > 0;

private static int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack itemstack) {
	if(itemstack == null){
		return 0;
		Item item = itemstack.getItem();

		if(item instanceof ItemBlock && Block.getBlockFromItem(item) != Blocks.air) {
			Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(item);



		    if(item == Main.shuriken) return 1600; 

	return GameRegistry.getFuelValue(itemstack);

public boolean isBurning() {
	return this.burnTime > 0;

public void updateEntity() {
	boolean flag = this.burnTime > 0;
	boolean flag1 = false;

	if(this.isBurning()) {

	if(this.slots[3] != null && this.slots[3].getItem() == Main.basicMachineBooster) {
		this.furnaceSpeed = 100; //1.5x
	} else if(this.slots[3] != null && this.slots[3].getItem() == Main.advancedMachineBooster) {
		this.furnaceSpeed = 60; //2.5x
	} else if(this.slots[3] != null && this.slots[3].getItem() == Main.extremeMachineBooster) {
		this.furnaceSpeed = 30; //5x

	} else {
		this.furnaceSpeed = 150;

	if(this.slots[4] != null && this.slots[4].getItem() == Main.powerstone) { //THIS IS WHERE IT TELLS THE GAME TO CHANGE THE OUTPUT VALUE WHEN POWERSTONE IS INSERTED
		this.outputAmount = 3;
	} else {
		this.outputAmount = 2;

	System.out.println("[TILEENTITY] " + outputAmount);

	if(!this.worldObj.isRemote) {

		if(this.burnTime == 0 && this.canSmelt()) {
			this.currentItemBurnTime = this.burnTime = getItemBurnTime(this.slots[1]);

			if(this.isBurning()) {
				flag1 = true;

				if(this.slots[1] != null) {

					if(this.slots[1].stackSize == 0) {
						this.slots[1] = this.slots[1].getItem().getContainerItem(this.slots[1]);
		if(this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt()) {

		if(this.cookTime == this.furnaceSpeed) {
			this.cookTime = 0;
			flag1 = true;
			this.cookTime = 0;

		if(flag != this.isBurning()) {
			flag1 = true;
			BlockBasicMineralExtractor.updateAlabasterOvenBlockState(this.burnTime > 0, this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord);

	if(flag1) {

public boolean canSmelt() {
	if (this.slots[0] == null) {
		return false;
		ItemStack itemstack = MineralExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.slots[0]);

		if(itemstack == null) return false;
		if(this.slots[2] == null) return true;
		if(!this.slots[2].isItemEqual(itemstack)) return false;

		int result = this.slots[2].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize;

		return (result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= itemstack.getMaxStackSize());

public void smeltItem() {
	if(this.canSmelt()) {
		ItemStack itemstack = MineralExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.slots[0]);

		if(this.slots[2] == null) {
			this.slots[2] = itemstack.copy();
		}else if(this.slots[2].isItemEqual(itemstack)) {
			this.slots[2].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize;


		if(this.slots[0].stackSize <= 0) {
			this.slots[0] = null;

public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int var1) {
	return var1 == 0 ? slots_bottom : (var1 == 1 ? slots_top : slots_side);

public boolean canInsertItem(int i, ItemStack itemstack, int j) {
	return this.isItemValidForSlot(i, itemstack);

public boolean canExtractItem(int i, ItemStack itemstack, int j) {
	return j != 0 || i != 1 || itemstack.getItem() == Items.bucket;

public int getBurnTimeRemainingScaled(int i) {
	if(this.currentItemBurnTime ==0) {
		this.currentItemBurnTime = this.furnaceSpeed;
	return this.burnTime * i / this.currentItemBurnTime;

public int getCookProgressScaled(int i) {
	return this.cookTime * i / this.furnaceSpeed;

public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {

	NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("Items", 10);
	this.slots = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()];

	for(int i = 0; i < list.tagCount(); i++) {
		NBTTagCompound compound = (NBTTagCompound) list.getCompoundTagAt(i);
		byte b = compound.getByte("Slot");

		if(b >= 0 && b < this.slots.length) {
			this.slots[b] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(compound);

	this.burnTime = (int)nbt.getShort("BurnTime");
	this.cookTime = (int)nbt.getShort("CookTime");
	this.currentItemBurnTime = (int)nbt.getShort("CurrentBurnTime");

	if(nbt.hasKey("CustomName")) {
		this.localizedName = nbt.getString("CustomName");

public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {

	nbt.setShort("BurnTime", (short)this.burnTime);
	nbt.setShort("CookTime", (short)this.cookTime);
	nbt.setShort("CurrentBurnTime", (short)this.currentItemBurnTime);

	NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList();

	for (int i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
		if(this.slots[i] != null) {
			NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
			compound.setByte("Slot", (byte)i);

	nbt.setTag("Items", list);

	if (this.hasCustomInventoryName()) {
		nbt.setString("CustomName", this.localizedName);




MineralExtractorRecipes class: (this is the class which likely isnt getting updated to match the int in the tileentity class)



package com.manslaughter777.moondimension.recipes;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.Main;
import com.manslaughter777.moondimension.tileentity.TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemFishFood;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

public class MineralExtractorRecipes
    private static final MineralExtractorRecipes smeltingBase = new MineralExtractorRecipes();
    /** The list of smelting results. */
    private Map smeltingList = new HashMap();
    private Map experienceList = new HashMap();
    //public TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor mineralExtractor = new TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor();

     * Used to call methods addSmelting and getSmeltingResult.
    public static MineralExtractorRecipes smelting()
        return smeltingBase;

    private MineralExtractorRecipes()
        this.addSmelting(Blocks.coal_ore, new ItemStack(Items.coal, TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor.outputAmount), 0.3F); //THE OUTPUT AMOUNTS ARE USED IN THE ITEMSTACKS
        this.addSmelting(Blocks.diamond_ore, new ItemStack(Items.diamond, TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor.outputAmount), 1.7F);
        this.addSmelting(Blocks.emerald_ore, new ItemStack(Items.emerald, TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor.outputAmount), 1.9F);
        this.addSmelting(Blocks.quartz_ore, new ItemStack(Items.quartz, TileEntityBasicMineralExtractor.outputAmount), 1.0F); 

    public void addSmelting(Block p_151393_1_, ItemStack p_151393_2_, float p_151393_3_)
        this.func_151396_a(Item.getItemFromBlock(p_151393_1_), p_151393_2_, p_151393_3_);

    public void func_151396_a(Item p_151396_1_, ItemStack p_151396_2_, float p_151396_3_)
        this.func_151394_a(new ItemStack(p_151396_1_, 1, 32767), p_151396_2_, p_151396_3_);

    public void func_151394_a(ItemStack p_151394_1_, ItemStack p_151394_2_, float p_151394_3_)
        this.smeltingList.put(p_151394_1_, p_151394_2_);
        this.experienceList.put(p_151394_2_, Float.valueOf(p_151394_3_));

     * Returns the smelting result of an item.
    public ItemStack getSmeltingResult(ItemStack p_151395_1_)
        Iterator iterator = this.smeltingList.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry entry;

            if (!iterator.hasNext())
                return null;

            entry = (Entry)iterator.next();
        while (!this.func_151397_a(p_151395_1_, (ItemStack)entry.getKey()));

        return (ItemStack)entry.getValue();

    private boolean func_151397_a(ItemStack p_151397_1_, ItemStack p_151397_2_)
        return p_151397_2_.getItem() == p_151397_1_.getItem() && (p_151397_2_.getItemDamage() == 32767 || p_151397_2_.getItemDamage() == p_151397_1_.getItemDamage());

    public Map getSmeltingList()
        return this.smeltingList;

    public float func_151398_b(ItemStack p_151398_1_)
        float ret = p_151398_1_.getItem().getSmeltingExperience(p_151398_1_);
        if (ret != -1) return ret;

        Iterator iterator = this.experienceList.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry entry;

            if (!iterator.hasNext())
                return 0.0F;

            entry = (Entry)iterator.next();
        while (!this.func_151397_a(p_151398_1_, (ItemStack)entry.getKey()));

        return ((Float)entry.getValue()).floatValue();




Ive made the console print out the value of outputAmount in both classes and they r in sync. So it is mostly probably because the Recipe class isnt getting updated. Can anyone help me out somehow updated it so it works in game and not only when the game is restarted. Thnx!

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