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I tried to make the player invisible at all by this code:



But I noted that the armor and the held item still visible .... then I tried this code in addiction:

public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event) {


but nothing to do ... please help.


You could look for the items the player is wearing and set them to invisible too


How? I cant see any "Item.isVisible" property to modify ...


I think about something render prohibition instead...


I got this from the MC Wiki



Makes player model disappear and mobs will act neutral towards the player if the player is not wearing armor (leave chunk to perform). In splash form it is able to make mobs or other players invisible. Armor and items held in hand are not affected by this. Some mob 'Armor' (sheep's wool, mushrooms of a mooshroom, eyes of spiders/enderman, 'Arrows' and a snow golem's pumpkin) is still visible.


Seems like even vanilla MC doesn't hide the armor.

I require Java, both the coffee and the code :)


I got this from the MC Wiki



Makes player model disappear and mobs will act neutral towards the player if the player is not wearing armor (leave chunk to perform). In splash form it is able to make mobs or other players invisible. Armor and items held in hand are not affected by this. Some mob 'Armor' (sheep's wool, mushrooms of a mooshroom, eyes of spiders/enderman, 'Arrows' and a snow golem's pumpkin) is still visible.

Seems like even vanilla MC doesn't hide the armor.



I think that was what he was referring to from the beginning.



You could see what the Player.setInvisble do and do something similar with the items in hes inventory

or perhaps hook into the render and "temporary" stop it from rendering the items.



Naturalis - The easy way for nature.!

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Jimanju - The Random Disasters!


Canceling the RenderPlayerEvent should work fine.


yes, i tried this:

public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event) {


public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent event) {


But seems wont work ...


Main class:

@SidedProxy(clientSide = "ClientProxy", serverSide = "ServerProxy")


ClientProxy class:

public class ClientProxy
   extends CommonProxy
   public void registerEvents()
     //FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ServerTickHandler());


ServerProxy class:

public class ServerProxy
   extends CommonProxy
   public void registerEvents()
     //FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ServerTickHandler());


CommonProxy class:

public class CommonProxy
   implements IProxy
   public void registerEvents()
     FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ServerTickHandler());


RenderPlayerEvent is a forge event, it will not be fired on FML's EventBus.


I added a new class:


RenderTickHandler class:

public class RenderTickHandler {

public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent event) {
	//if (event.entityPlayer.isInvisible()) {


And into CommonProxy:

       MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new RenderTickHandler());


but nothing to do...


You need to cancel the Pre version of the event. And that should make all players invisible on screen.


Yes, i do:

public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event) {


but seems can't fire this event at all ....


I just wrote the code in my mod and it works, also in 3rd person mode. Obviously other players need to receive a packet to know that they don't have to show the player model.





Note that i'm holding ta block in my hand, and the placed block is for reference.





Start a different MC in debug mode and open to LAN so you can test this, with multiple players.

I require Java, both the coffee and the code :)


I just wrote the code in my mod and it works, also in 3rd person mode. Obviously other players need to receive a packet to know that they don't have to show the player model.





Note that i'm holding ta block in my hand, and the placed block is for reference.





Start a different MC in debug mode and open to LAN so you can test this, with multiple players.


What method or function you have used?


I just wrote the code in my mod and it works, also in 3rd person mode. Obviously other players need to receive a packet to know that they don't have to show the player model.





Note that i'm holding ta block in my hand, and the placed block is for reference.





Start a different MC in debug mode and open to LAN so you can test this, with multiple players.


What method or function you have used?


The same one that was mentioned in this forum:


public void pre(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event) 


The class I implemented it in, is hooked with both the Forge Event bus and FML event bus. Try both see which one will trigger it.

I require Java, both the coffee and the code :)


Try both see which one will trigger it.

No. Please no.


Ok ok, I checked it's the forge event bus :) Hooking it up with the forge event bus makes it work.


Even armor is hidden and anything in my hand.


PPPatternClientGuiManager ppPatternClientGuiManager = new PPPatternClientGuiManager();
this.guiManagers.put(GuiPPPattern.class, ppPatternClientGuiManager);


ignore the names, I just stuck it in a handler to check if the code works or not :P

I require Java, both the coffee and the code :)

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