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[1.8] Rendering ItemEntity.


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From my 1.7.10 IItemRenderer:



Is this possible in 1.8? How? Where? Example? Does it have "nice" system or still in dev?

If not - are there some works on this as for now? Idk, maybe they are planning to add "world" or "entity" to display type in json file? (you know: thirdperson, firstperson, gui or head).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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I think the short answer is - no, it is not possible in the same way as IItemRenderer was.


in RenderEntityItem

        // Forge: Call to IItemRenderer, For now Its disabled.

        //i = net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.renderEntityItem(p_177075_1_, itemstack, this.field_177079_e, this.renderManager.renderEngine, i);


I wouldn't hold my breath for it to be reenabled either.


I also think it will be quite tricky to add this behaviour using the existing hooks, I would suggest using Reflection to either add the call above into RenderEntityItem, or alternatively create your own EntityMyItem extends EntityItem, register a renderer for that, and use Reflection to substitute your EntityMyItem whenever an EntityItem is created for your item, eg in World.spawnEntityInWorld.


If you figure out how to do it I'd be very interested...




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