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[1.7.10] EntityLargeFireball Explosion Question


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Hey guys, quick question. EntityLargeFireball creates an explosion on impact like normal with worldObj.newExplosion(), however it sets the entity for the cause of the explosion to null, rather than EntityLargeFireball for some reason. I was just wondering if there is any way around this, because I would like to be able to get the cause of explosions.


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Hey guys, quick question. EntityLargeFireball creates an explosion on impact like normal with worldObj.newExplosion(), however it sets the entity for the cause of the explosion to null, rather than EntityLargeFireball for some reason. I was just wondering if there is any way around this, because I would like to be able to get the cause of explosions.



Explosion is explosion, not fireball. If you really need it to track as the fireball then write it in yourself.

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Sorry, I worded it kind of strangely. Let me try to correct myself and clarify. I'm talking about the fireball that is fired by the ghast. As far as I can tell, the game separates the blaze/fire charge and ghast fireball into EntitySmallFireball and EntityLargeFireball, respectively. I'm trying to detect the explosion made by the large fireball in the ExplosionEvent. However, this it is not possible to distinguish, in the ExplosionEvent, if the explosion was caused by an EntityLargeFireball. This is because when the fireball creates the explosion, it sets the cause of the newly created explosion to null.

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This is where it is being done in the EntityLargeFireball class:

this.worldObj.newExplosion((Entity)null, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, (float)this.field_92057_e, true, this.worldObj.getGameRules().getGameRuleBooleanValue("mobGriefing"));

As you can see, the entity(first param of newExplosion()) is being set to null.

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Sorry, I worded it kind of strangely. Let me try to correct myself and clarify. I'm talking about the fireball that is fired by the ghast. As far as I can tell, the game separates the blaze/fire charge and ghast fireball into EntitySmallFireball and EntityLargeFireball, respectively. I'm trying to detect the explosion made by the large fireball in the ExplosionEvent. However, this it is not possible to distinguish, in the ExplosionEvent, if the explosion was caused by an EntityLargeFireball. This is because when the fireball creates the explosion, it sets the cause of the newly created explosion to null.



Explosion is explosion, not fireball. If you really need it to track as the fireball then write it in yourself.

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