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[SOLVED] Textures not loading


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Hey guys! So, I don't understand what's going on, but the textures aren't loading... I chcked twice for the textures names, modid, etc, but I cannot find anything wrong... Maybe another guy's eyes can help!


ItemGrind Class

public class ItemGrind extends InitItems {

    public ItemGrind() {


InitItems Class

public class InitItems extends Item{

    public InitItems() {


    public String getUnlocalizedName(){
        return String.format("item.%s%s", ModReference.MOD_ID.toLowerCase() + ":", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName()));

    public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack){
        return String.format("item.%s%s", ModReference.MOD_ID.toLowerCase() + ":", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName()));
        // item.modid:itemname.name

    public void registerIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister){
        itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(this.getUnlocalizedName().substring(this.getUnlocalizedName().indexOf(".") + 1));

    protected String getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName){
        return unlocalizedName.substring(unlocalizedName.indexOf(".")+1);


Registry of the item

public class JFarmItems {

    public static final InitItems grind = new ItemGrind();

    public static void initJFarmItems(){
        GameRegistry.registerItem(grind, "grind");


Other things:

Modid: public static final String MOD_ID = "jfarm";

Texture Location: src/main/resources/assets/jfarm/textures/items/grind.png


I must be very blind... I'm sure there is something that I'm not seeing well...


Thanks :)

João Fernandes

Thanks :)

João Fernandes

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Thanks Diesieben07 :)


I changed but even that solved it... But... I'm stupid to didn't realise that the gradle wasn't actually the proper gradle... So, now it works because I re-install everything, but I think your method is better ;)


Second: I don't think we have to yell to people if we don't like anything that they do... Pahimar tryed his best to help others! I watch him like I watch VSWE Summer Courses! I know that some methods are better than others, but come on... He is trying to help!


Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to apply it :)

Thanks :)

João Fernandes

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And even if he knows, he's helping! Honestly, the problem wasn't in his methods (and I understand them, believe it or not), was in my genialityof open the project on a wrong way...


I enjoyed your method, and I'll use it for now on ;)


Thanls ^^


PS. I'm not saying that he doesn't overly complicate the things! I agree with you Diesieben07, but we are different!

Thanks :)

João Fernandes

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