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[1.8] Custom Chest TileEntity particles not working


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Hi, sorry for my bad english in advance.


I've made a custom chest tileEntity for that I wrote:

- BlockChestCustom extends BlockContainer

- TileEntityChestCustom extends TileEntityLockable implements IUpdatePlayerListBox, IInventory

- ContainerChestCustom extends Container

- TileEntityChestRendererCustom extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer


And then I registered in the preInit-phase:

- my custom ChestBlock

- my custom ChestTileEntity

- my custom TileEntityChestRenderer (Client-Side)

- the ItemStack renderer (Client-Side)


For exercising purpose I used the original minecraft chest as guidance.

And my chest works fine. The only problem is, that (when breaking) particles are showing the "missing texture" texture, the breaking animation (cracks) isn't showing and sometimes my chest disappears, when it isn't in the center view.


I've found out, that the particles are hardcoded in the net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelShapes Method:


public TextureAtlasSprite getTexture(IBlockState state)
        Block block = state.getBlock();
        IBakedModel ibakedmodel = this.getModelForState(state);

        if (ibakedmodel == null || ibakedmodel == this.modelManager.getMissingModel())
            if (block == Blocks.wall_sign || block == Blocks.standing_sign || block == Blocks.chest || block == Blocks.trapped_chest || block == Blocks.standing_banner || block == Blocks.wall_banner)
                return this.modelManager.getTextureMap().getAtlasSprite("minecraft:blocks/planks_oak");


And I've found out that IFlexibleBakedModel could be the answer to my problem, but I'm not really sure and I don't know how. Help would be much appreciated.


Greetings, Mitch

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