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Other players attempting to join my forge server get kicked automatically


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Hello everyone! I have never posted before, so forgive me if I do anything wrong. I usually just read the forums when I have an issue and I can typically cobble together a solution but this time I'm honestly confused.


I am running a personal, modded server with the intention of posting with some of my friends, but it would appear that there is an error of some kind that prevents that. I have port forwarded the correct port, done all the required steps on my end, but when I tried to help my friend join it didn't work. My roommate can join perfectly, and my friend can see the server, but once he signs into it he auto signs out. He has a mod folder with the same exact mods as myself, in his .minecraft. he only has forge installed for client does he need forge installed for server as well like I do?

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No all he needs is forge on his client and the mods that are on the server, when he's viewing the server list there should be a green checkmark by your server, if he sees it as a red X he's got an incompatible mod or is missing one, perhaps ask him for logs that you can post here

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