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[1.7.10] Tile Entity Update Bugs


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Hey there,


I've been making a mod for the past month or so, and have recently, with a friend, been going through previous code to clean it up, prevent unnecessary lag etc. However, I have 2 small but annoying problems with a nuclear fission reactor which takes a fuel cell, runs a cycle until the fuel runs out, then leaves behind the depleted cell. The first problem is that the fuel level seems to flicker when I put fuel in, (an updating issue I guess), and the other problem is that a 'ghost' image of the depleted fuel cell appears straight after I put the original fuel cell in (clicking on the depleted cell or re-entering the GUI gets rid of it).


Tile Entity class:

package com.nr.mod.blocks.tileentities;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager;
import net.minecraft.network.Packet;
import net.minecraft.network.play.server.S35PacketUpdateTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import cofh.api.energy.EnergyStorage;
import cofh.api.energy.IEnergyConnection;
import cofh.api.energy.IEnergyHandler;
import cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver;
import cofh.lib.util.helpers.BlockHelper;
import cofh.lib.util.helpers.EnergyHelper;

import com.nr.mod.NuclearRelativistics;
import com.nr.mod.blocks.NRBlocks;
import com.nr.mod.handlers.BombType;
import com.nr.mod.handlers.EntityBomb;
import com.nr.mod.handlers.NRExplosion;
import com.nr.mod.items.NRItems;

public class TileEntityFissionReactorGraphite extends TileEntityInventory implements IEnergyHandler, IEnergyConnection, ISidedInventory, IEnergyReceiver
    public EnergyStorage storage = new EnergyStorage(1000000, 1000000);
    public int rawR = 1;
    public int R = rawR; 
    public int D = R*2 + 1;
    public int SR = R-1; 
    public int SD = SR*2 + 1;
    public boolean flag;
    public boolean flag1 = false;
    public int E;
    public int H;
    public int energy;
    public int fueltime;
public int fueltype;
    public int power = NuclearRelativistics.fissionRF/25;
    public int heat;
    public String typeoffuel = "No Fuel";
    public int fuelmult;
    public int MBNumber;
    public String problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    public int maxTransfer = 500000;
    public String direction;
    private static final int[] slotsTop = new int[] {0};
    private static final int[] slotsSides = new int[] {1};

    public TileEntityFissionReactorGraphite()
        super.slots = new ItemStack[3];
        super.localizedName = "Fission Reactor";

    public void updateEntity()
        overheat(worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 25F, BombType.BOMB_STANDARD);
        if (flag != flag1) { flag1 = flag; BlockFissionReactorGraphite.updateFissionReactorGraphiteBlockState(flag, this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord); }
    public void overheat(World world, double x, double y, double z, float radius, BombType type)
    	if (this.heat >= 500000)
    		if (this.MBNumber == 3)
    		NRExplosion.createExplosion(new EntityBomb(world).setType(type), world, (double)this.xCoord, (double)this.yCoord + R, (double)this.zCoord - R, 25 + 4*R, 1000F, true);
    		else if (this.MBNumber == 4)
    		NRExplosion.createExplosion(new EntityBomb(world).setType(type), world, (double)this.xCoord + R, (double)this.yCoord + R, (double)this.zCoord, 25 + 4*R, 1000F, true);
    		else if (this.MBNumber == 2)
    		NRExplosion.createExplosion(new EntityBomb(world).setType(type), world, (double)this.xCoord, (double)this.yCoord + R, (double)this.zCoord + R, 25 + 4*R, 1000F, true);
    		else if (this.MBNumber == 5)
    		NRExplosion.createExplosion(new EntityBomb(world).setType(type), world, (double)this.xCoord - R, (double)this.yCoord + R, (double)this.zCoord, 25 + 4*R, 1000F, true);
    public void typeoffuelx()
    	if (this.fueltype == 1) { typeoffuel = "LEU"; fuelmult = 2; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 2) { typeoffuel = "HEU"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 3) { typeoffuel = "LEP"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 4) { typeoffuel = "HEP"; fuelmult = 8; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 5) { typeoffuel = "MOX"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 6) { typeoffuel = "TBU"; fuelmult = 1; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 7) { typeoffuel = "LEU"; fuelmult = 2; }
    	else if (this.fueltype ==  { typeoffuel = "HEU"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 9) { typeoffuel = "LEP"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 10) { typeoffuel = "HEP"; fuelmult = 8; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 11) { typeoffuel = "MOX"; fuelmult = 4; }
    	else if (this.fueltype == 0) { typeoffuel = "No Fuel"; fuelmult = 0; }
    	else { typeoffuel = "No Fuel"; fuelmult = 0; }

    private void energy()
    	int prevE = this.storage.getEnergyStored();
    	int newE;
    	int prevH = this.heat*2;
    	int newH;
    	ForgeDirection forward = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(
          	  int x = xCoord + R * forward.offsetX;
          	  int y = yCoord;
          	  int z = zCoord + R * forward.offsetZ;
        if (this.getStackInSlot(1) == null && worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) && this.fueltime > 0 && this.fueltype != 0 && this.multiblock(this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord))
        	flag = true;
        	if (this.fueltype == 1)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(30*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 300*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 7*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 2)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(135*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 300*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 70*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 3)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(60*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 576*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 21*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 4)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(270*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 576*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 210*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 5)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(45*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 400*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 15*2*R;
        	if (this.fueltype == 6)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(8*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 75*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 1*2*R;
        	if (this.fueltype == 7)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(30*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 300*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 7*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(135*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 300*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 70*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 9)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(60*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 576*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 21*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 10)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(270*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 576*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 210*2*R;

        	if (this.fueltype == 11)
        		this.storage.receiveEnergy(45*this.power*R, false);
                this.fueltime -= 400*(100/NuclearRelativistics.fissionEfficiency);
                this.heat += 15*2*R;
        	for (int Z4 = -SR; Z4 <= SR; Z4++) {
          	   for (int X4 = -SR; X4 <= SR; X4++) {
          		for (int Y4 = 1; Y4 <= SD; Y4++) {
          	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==NRBlocks.graphiteBlock){
          	    	this.storage.receiveEnergy((this.power*fuelmult)/2, false); this.heat += 2*fuelmult*R; }
          	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==Blocks.lava){
          	    	this.storage.receiveEnergy((this.power*fuelmult)/10, false); this.heat += 4*fuelmult*R; }
        } else { flag = false; }
          	if (this.multiblock(this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord)) {
          	  for (int Z4 = -SR; Z4 <= SR; Z4++) {
             	   for (int X4 = -SR; X4 <= SR; X4++) {
             		for (int Y4 = 1; Y4 <= SD; Y4++) {
             	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==NRBlocks.coolerBlock){
             	    	if (this.heat > 16-1) { this.heat -= 16; } else { this.heat = 0; } }
             	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==Blocks.water){
             	    	if (this.heat > 4-1) { this.heat -= 4; } else { this.heat = 0; } }
          	newE = this.storage.getEnergyStored();
          	E = newE-prevE;
          	prevE = newE;
          	newH = this.heat*2;
          	H = newH-prevH;
          	prevH = newH;
    public boolean multiblock(World world, int x, int y, int z)
    	Block block = this.blockType;
    	BlockFissionReactorGraphite reactorGraphite = (BlockFissionReactorGraphite)block;
    	if (checkReactor())
    		return true;
    		return false;

    public boolean multiblockstring()
    	if (multiblock(getWorldObj(), this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord))
    		return true;
    		return false;

private void addEnergy()
        TileEntity down = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.DOWN);
        TileEntity up = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.UP);
        TileEntity north = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.NORTH);
        TileEntity south = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.SOUTH);
        TileEntity east = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.EAST);
        TileEntity west = BlockHelper.getAdjacentTileEntity(this, ForgeDirection.WEST);

            if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(down, ForgeDirection.DOWN))
                this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)down).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.UP, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

            else if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(up, ForgeDirection.UP))
                this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)up).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.DOWN, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

            else if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(west, ForgeDirection.WEST))
                this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)west).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.EAST, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

            else if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(east, ForgeDirection.EAST))
                this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)east).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.WEST, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

            else if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(north, ForgeDirection.NORTH))
                this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)north).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.SOUTH, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

            else if (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(south, ForgeDirection.SOUTH))
            this.storage.extractEnergy(((IEnergyHandler)south).receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection.NORTH, this.storage.extractEnergy(this.maxTransfer, true), false), false);

private boolean canAddEnergy()
        return this.storage.getEnergyStored() == 0 ? false : this.direction != "none";

    public void updateHandlers()
        String d = this.getHandlers();

        if (d == null)
            this.direction = "none";
            this.direction = d;
    public String getInvName()
	return this.isInvNameLocalized() ? this.localizedName : "Fission Reactor";

public boolean isInvNameLocalized()
	return this.localizedName != null && this.localizedName.length() > 0;

    public String getHandlers()
        TileEntity down = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord - 1, this.zCoord);
        TileEntity up = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord + 1, this.zCoord);
        TileEntity north = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord - 1);
        TileEntity south = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord + 1);
        TileEntity east = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord + 1, this.yCoord, this.zCoord);
        TileEntity west = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord - 1, this.yCoord, this.zCoord);
        return EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(down, ForgeDirection.DOWN) ? "down" : (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(up, ForgeDirection.UP) ? "up" : (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(west, ForgeDirection.WEST) ? "west" : (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(east, ForgeDirection.EAST) ? "east" : (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(north, ForgeDirection.NORTH) ? "north" : (EnergyHelper.isEnergyReceiverFromSide(south, ForgeDirection.SOUTH) ? "south" : "none")))));

    private void fuel()
        ItemStack stack = this.getStackInSlot(0);
        ItemStack pstack = this.getStackInSlot(1);

        if (stack != null && pstack == null && isFuel(stack) && this.fueltime == 0 && this.fueltype == 0)
            this.fueltype = TileEntityFissionReactorGraphite.setfueltype(stack);

            if (this.slots[0].stackSize <= 0)
                this.slots[0] = null;
    private void upgrade()
        ItemStack stack = this.getStackInSlot(2);

        if (stack != null && isUpgrade(stack))
        	R = (int) (rawR + stack.stackSize);
        	D = R*2 + 1;
            SR = R-1; 
            SD = SR*2 + 1;
        	if (R != rawR) {

            if (this.slots[2].stackSize <= 0)
            	R = rawR;
            	D = R*2 + 1;
                SR = R-1; 
                SD = SR*2 + 1;
                this.slots[2] = null;
        else {
        R = rawR;
        D = R*2 + 1;
        SR = R-1; 
        SD = SR*2 + 1;
    private void product()
        if (this.slots[1] == null && this.fueltime == 0 && this.fueltype != 0)
        	if (this.fueltype == 1)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 22); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 2)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 23); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 3)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 24); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 4)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 25); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 5)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 26); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 6)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 27); this.fueltype = 0; }
        	else if (this.fueltype == 7)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 28); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 29); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 9)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 30); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 10)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 31); this.fueltype = 0; }

        	else if (this.fueltype == 11)
        	{ this.slots[1] = new ItemStack(NRItems.fuel, 1, 32); this.fueltype = 0; }
        	else {}
    public static boolean isFuel(ItemStack stack)
        return fuelValue(stack) > 0 && setfueltype(stack) != 0;
    public static boolean isUpgrade(ItemStack stack)
        return stack.getItem() == NRItems.upgrade;
    public static int fuelValue(ItemStack stack)
	if (stack == null)
            return 0;
        	Item item = stack.getItem();
        	if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 11).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 11) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 12).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 12) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 13).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 13) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 14).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 14) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 15).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 15) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 16).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 16) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 17).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 17) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 18).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 18) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 19).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 19) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 20).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 20) { return 7200000; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 21).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 21) { return 7200000; }
         	return 0; }
    public static int setfueltype(ItemStack stack)
	if (stack == null)
            return 0;
        	Item item = stack.getItem();
        	if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 11).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 11) { return 1; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 12).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 12) { return 2; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 13).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 13) { return 3; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 14).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 14) { return 4; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 15).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 15) { return 5; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 16).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 16) { return 6; }
  		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 17).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 17) { return 7; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 18).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 18) { return 8; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 19).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 19) { return 9; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 20).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 20) { return 10; }
   		   else if(item == new ItemStack (NRItems.fuel, 1, 21).getItem() && item.getDamage(stack) == 21) { return 11; }
        	return 0; }

    public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)

        if (nbt.hasKey("storage"))

        this.typeoffuel = nbt.getString("Typeoffuel");
        this.problem = nbt.getString("problem");
        this.fueltime = nbt.getInteger("Fueltime");
        this.fueltype = nbt.getInteger("Fueltype");
        this.rawR = nbt.getInteger("rawR");
        this.R = nbt.getInteger("R");
        this.SR = nbt.getInteger("SR");
        this.D = nbt.getInteger("D");
        this.SD = nbt.getInteger("SD");
        this.E = nbt.getInteger("E");
        this.H = nbt.getInteger("H");
        this.flag = nbt.getBoolean("flag");
        this.flag1 = nbt.getBoolean("flag1");
        this.fuelmult = nbt.getInteger("Fuelmult");
        this.MBNumber = nbt.getInteger("MBN");
        this.heat = nbt.getInteger("Heat");
        this.power = nbt.getInteger("Power");
        NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("Items", 10);
        this.slots = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()];

        for (int i = 0; i < list.tagCount(); ++i)
            NBTTagCompound compound = list.getCompoundTagAt(i);
            byte b = compound.getByte("Slot");

            if (b >= 0 && b < this.slots.length)
                this.slots[b] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(compound);

    public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
        NBTTagCompound energyTag = new NBTTagCompound();
        nbt.setTag("storage", energyTag);
        nbt.setInteger("Fueltime", this.fueltime);
        nbt.setInteger("Fueltype", this.fueltype);
        nbt.setInteger("rawR", this.rawR);
        nbt.setInteger("R", this.R);
        nbt.setInteger("SR", this.SR);
        nbt.setInteger("D", this.D);
        nbt.setInteger("SD", this.SD);
        nbt.setInteger("E", this.E);
        nbt.setInteger("H", this.H);
        nbt.setBoolean("flag", this.flag);
        nbt.setBoolean("flag1", this.flag1);
        nbt.setInteger("Fuelmult", this.fuelmult);
        nbt.setInteger("MBN", this.MBNumber);
        nbt.setInteger("Heat", this.heat);
        nbt.setInteger("Power", this.power);
        nbt.setString("Typeoffuel", this.typeoffuel);
        nbt.setString("problem", this.problem);
        NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList();

        for (int i = 0; i < this.slots.length; ++i)
            if (this.slots[i] != null)
                NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
                compound.setByte("Slot", (byte)i);

        nbt.setTag("Items", list);
		nbt.setString("CustomName", this.localizedName);

     * Overriden in a sign to provide the text.
    public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
        NBTTagCompound nbtTag = new NBTTagCompound();
        nbtTag.setInteger("Energy", this.storage.getEnergyStored());
        this.energy = nbtTag.getInteger("Energy");
        return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbtTag);

    public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet)
    	super.onDataPacket(net, packet);

    public void addHeat(int add)
        this.heat += add;
    public void addFuel(int add)
        this.fueltime += add;

    public void removeHeat(int remove)
        this.heat -= remove;
    public void removeFuel(int remove)
        this.fueltime -= remove;

    public boolean canConnectEnergy(ForgeDirection from)
        return true;

    public int receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection from, int maxReceive, boolean simulate)
        return 0;

    public int extractEnergy(ForgeDirection from, int maxExtract, boolean simulate)
        return 0;

    public int getEnergyStored(ForgeDirection paramForgeDirection)
        return this.storage.getEnergyStored();

    public int getMaxEnergyStored(ForgeDirection paramForgeDirection)
        return this.storage.getMaxEnergyStored();

     * Returns true if automation is allowed to insert the given stack (ignoring stack size) into the given slot.
    public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slot, ItemStack stack)
        if (slot == 0)
            return isFuel(stack);
            return false;

     * Returns an array containing the indices of the slots that can be accessed by automation on the given side of this
     * block.
    public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int slot)
        return slot == 0 ? slotsSides : slotsTop;

     * Returns true if automation can insert the given item in the given slot from the given side. Args: Slot, item,
     * side
    public boolean canInsertItem(int slot, ItemStack stack, int par)
        return this.isItemValidForSlot(slot, stack);

     * Returns true if automation can extract the given item in the given slot from the given side. Args: Slot, item,
     * side
    public boolean canExtractItem(int slot, ItemStack stack, int slots)
        return slot == 1;
    public int getInventoryStackLimit()
        return 8;
    private boolean checkReactor() { 
    	  ForgeDirection forward = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(
    	  int x = xCoord + R * forward.offsetX;
    	  int y = yCoord;
    	  int z = zCoord + R * forward.offsetZ;

    	  for (int Z4 = -R; Z4 <= R; Z4++) {
       	   for (int X4 = -R; X4 <= R; X4++) {
       		for (int Y4 = 0; Y4 <= 2*R; Y4++) {
       	     if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==NRBlocks.fissionReactorGraphiteIdle || this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X4, y + Y4, z + Z4)==NRBlocks.fissionReactorGraphiteActive){
       	    	 if (x + X4 == this.xCoord && y + Y4 == this.yCoord && z + Z4 == this.zCoord) {} else {
       	    		 this.problem = "Multiple Controllers";
       	      return false;
    	  for (int Z1 = -SR; Z1 <= SR; Z1++) {
    	   for (int X1 = -SR; X1 <= SR; X1++) {
    	     if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X1, y, z + Z1)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    	    	 this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	      return false;
    	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X1, y+D-1, z + Z1)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    	    	this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	     return false;

    	  for (int Y2 = 1; Y2 <= SD; Y2++) {
    	  for (int XZ = -SR; XZ <= SR; XZ++) {
    	   if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x-R, y+Y2, z+XZ)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    		   this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	    return false;
    	   if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x+R, y+Y2, z+XZ)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    		   this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	    return false;
    	   if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x+XZ, y+Y2, z+R)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    		   this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	    return false;
    	   if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x+XZ, y+Y2, z-R)!=NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
    		   this.problem = "Casing Incomplete";
    	    return false;
    	    if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x, y+Y2, z)!=NRBlocks.cellBlock){
    	    	this.problem = "Fuel Rod Incomplete";
        	    return false;
    	  for (int Z3 = -SR; Z3 <= SR; Z3++) {
       	   for (int X3 = -SR; X3 <= SR; X3++) {
       		for (int Y3 = 1; Y3 <= SD; Y3++) {
       	     if(this.worldObj.getBlock(x + X3, y + Y3, z + Z3)==NRBlocks.reactorBlock){
       	    	this.problem = "Casing in Interior";
       	      return false;
    	  this.MBNumber = this.getBlockMetadata();
    	  //this.problem = "No Problem";
    	  return true;


Thanks in advance for any help :)

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