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[CLOSED] [UNSOLVED] [1.8] Item issues everywhere :/


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So I've started on a private mod to my friends, and I get errors about items EVERYWHERE apokitfphmbjxkcfplnböfmjkhb


Sorry for that.


    First I got a lot of "Item model not found". I fixed that by making an Item.json and a lot of stuff.

    Finally I could go to this next step. But now I got File Not Found errors. I fixed that via adding a fix to the JSON file.

    But then: I get this error "

Unidentified item: (modid):item.(itemid), id 4096



Let's just say this: Sometimes the behind the scenes Minecraft updates sucks.aöpomgbrjdjböodtmk,xDäö


Ok sorry, I just got really upset :P

So my question to you is: Do you know how to fix the error?


PS: This is my code (some things are replaced, but yeah, nothing important. Only mod details.)

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event){
    	Item item = (Item) new item();
    	registerItem(item, event);
    public void registerItem(Item item, FMLInitializationEvent event){
    	if(event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT)
    		Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, 0,
    				new ModelResourceLocation(MODID + item.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "inventory"));
    	GameRegistry.registerItem(item, item.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge

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First: Init items and register them in the FMLPreInit Event.

2nd: Register item models in your ClientProxy.

I really suggest you to make a "helper" class to make things cleaner.


Maybe, but this mod is supposed to be quick.

So all the models and that is going to be Proxy-fyed? I've never heard of that in any other tutorial...

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge

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First: Init items and register them in the FMLPreInit Event.

2nd: Register item models in your ClientProxy.

I really suggest you to make a "helper" class to make things cleaner.


I made it to a Proxy, but it's still the exact same problem:

"There is 1 missing blocks and items in this save. bla bla bla... Backup... bla bla... Missing Blocks/Items:"



Sorry, I forgot to call the proxy. My bad. Now it's actually as in the beginning: No texture found for the item :/

And no errors in the console...

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge

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