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[1.8][SOLVED] Avoid NoClassDefFound with SideOnly.


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Yes, yes, I know this "if you don't know what are you doing, don't do it" and "you shouldn't use it" arguments. But I am simply experimenting with classLoaders.


Common Proxy (when you launch server):

public void initNetwork()
	theNetwork = ServerNetwork.class.newInstance();
catch (Exception e)
	RoAMain.log.log(Level.FATAL, "Could not initialize server network! A lot of errors can be expected.");

ClientProxy (for clients):

public void initNetwork()
theNetwork = new ClientNetwork();


theNetwork is AbstractNetwork

ServerNetwork extends AbstractNetwork is @SideOnly(Side.SERVER)

ClientNetwork extends AbstractNetwork is @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)


Question is quite simple: Is what I done above (#newInstance()) only way of avoiding NoClassDefFound?

Obviously when you use theNetwork = new ServerNetwork(); It will crash, and above is only thing I could think of.


Reflection is evil in my case (above is not it, above is an example).





Oh and before someone asks - the @SideOnly is not used because I want it to be there, it is there because I want to simulate classes not being there in my dev env (because they are not there in real-life).

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Reflection is evil in my case (above is not it, above is an example).


Network might have been bad naming here. Even if network would be the actual network, it wouldn't matter - integrated server won't even use what I am doing (it's being developed as dedicated server feature - server sends and makes client load classes, don't ask xD, and yes, it's secured).



Basically - is there a way to make instance of class that is @SideOnly without reflection?

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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