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[Solved][1.7.10]Code for mod is not working, please help!


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So I was following a tutorial to add a potion effect when holding item, my code is:


public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity entity, int par4, boolean par5){

System.out.println("First update is Successfull");

super.onUpdate(stack, world, entity, par4, par5);

System.out.println("Update Successfull");


EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity;

ItemStack equipped = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();

System.out.println("Found held item");


System.out.println("Found Item Successfully");

player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed.id, 5, 3));

System.out.println("Added Potion Effect Successfully");





I have all of the System.out.println to see where my code was getting stuck and it is getting stuck on the first line. This code works for many people but not me. I am using the most recent version of Eclipse, Forge 1.7.10 and jre1.8.0_45.

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My full code for that item is:


package com.farline.item;



import com.farline.creativetabs.MCreativeTabs;


import com.farline.lib.RefStrings;



import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.potion.Potion;

import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class SpeedStick extends Item{


public SpeedStick() {




public static void main(String[] args){




public static void mainRegistry(){





public static Item sStick;


public static void initializeItem(){

sStick = new Item().setUnlocalizedName("sStick").setMaxStackSize(1).setCreativeTab(MCreativeTabs.tabItems).setTextureName(RefStrings.MODID + ":SpeedStick");




public static void registerItem(){

GameRegistry.registerItem(sStick, sStick.getUnlocalizedName());

System.out.println("Added Item Successfully");




public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity entity, int par4, boolean par5){

System.out.println("First update is Successfull");

super.onUpdate(stack, world, entity, par4, par5);

System.out.println("Update Successfull");


EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity;

ItemStack equipped = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();

System.out.println("Found held item");


System.out.println("Found Item Successfully");

player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed.id, 5, 3));

System.out.println("Added Potion Effect Successfully");







If that helps at all.

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New code:



public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity entity, int par4, boolean par5){

System.out.println("First update is Successfull");

super.onUpdate(stack, world, entity, par4, par5);

System.out.println("Update Successfull");


EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity;

ItemStack equipped = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();

System.out.println("Found held item");

System.out.println("Found Item Successfully");

player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed.id, 5, 3));

System.out.println("Added Potion Effect Successfully");


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world.isRemote - client

!world.isRemote - server


Everything that is "logic" part of game should always happen on server (spawning, updates, changing values, etc.)


entity instanceof EntityPlayer - if true you know that it is player, before that you can't touch player methods.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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