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Solved[1.8] Getting the texture from an Item/Block so can render it as 2D in GUI


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Hey before IIcon and the like was tossed out [1.7.x] I had my GUI draw the 16x16 texture in my GUI, I upgraded to [1.8] and seems like this is no longer an option to just get the regular texture to render. How can I get the face or flat 2D display image of an Item or a Block. Blocks more preferred, here is my old code. The new code is just using GL to draw flat color squares which is not what I want.



package ca.grm.rot.gui;import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper;import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager;import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;/*** Just a GuiButton with an extra variable, really wanted this in the normal* button**/public class GuiBaseNodeButton extends GuiButton {public int		x, y, z;public IIcon	tex;public float	brightness	= 1.0f;public GuiBaseNodeButton(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5,		String par6Str) {	super(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6Str);}@Overridepublic void drawButton(Minecraft p_146112_1_, int p_146112_2_, int p_146112_3_) {	if (this.visible) {		TextureManager manager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine;		manager.bindTexture(manager.getResourceLocation(0));		// RENDER ITEMS		FontRenderer fontrenderer = p_146112_1_.fontRenderer;		GL11.glColor4f(this.brightness, this.brightness, this.brightness, 1.0F);		this.field_146123_n = (p_146112_2_ >= this.xPosition)				&& (p_146112_3_ >= this.yPosition)				&& (p_146112_2_ < (this.xPosition + this.width))				&& (p_146112_3_ < (this.yPosition + this.height));		int k = this.getHoverState(this.field_146123_n);		GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);		OpenGlHelper.glBlendFunc(770, 771, 1, 0);		GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);		if (this.tex != null) {			drawTexturedModelRectFromIcon(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.tex,					16, 16);		}		this.mouseDragged(p_146112_1_, p_146112_2_, p_146112_3_);		int l = 14737632;		if (this.packedFGColour != 0) {			l = this.packedFGColour;		} else if (!this.enabled) {			l = 10526880;		} else if (this.field_146123_n) {			l = 16777120;		}		this.drawCenteredString(fontrenderer, this.displayString, this.xPosition				+ (this.width / 2), this.yPosition + ((this.height -  / 2), l);	}}}





package ca.grm.rot.gui;import java.util.ArrayList;import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;import net.minecraft.block.Block;import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;import ca.grm.rot.Rot;import ca.grm.rot.blocks.RotBlocks;import ca.grm.rot.blocks.TileEntityBaseNode;import ca.grm.rot.comms.BaseNodeRequestPacket;import ca.grm.rot.libs.UtilityBlockLocationType;public class GuiBaseNode extends GuiContainer {public static final ResourceLocation	texture			= new ResourceLocation(																Rot.MODID																		.toLowerCase(),																"textures/gui/largeBase.png");private EntityPlayer					player;private TileEntityBaseNode				te;private int								cw				= 16;											// control																										// Widthprivate int								ch				= 16;											// control																										// Height// Grid Valuesprivate int								gridSize		= 0;private int								gS				= 5;private int								gridSizeOffset	= 0;private int								xOffset			= 0;private int								yOffset1		= 0, yOffset2 = 0;private int								zOffset			= 0;// Block Placement Valuesprivate int								currentBlock	= 0;private int								currentMeta		= 0;private int								blockColor		= RotBlocks.blockTypeColors[this.currentBlock];// Selection and List Valuesprivate ArrayList						locations		= new ArrayList<UtilityBlockLocationType>();private Boolean							listGotten		= false;private int								defaultColor	= 0x444444;private int								selectionMode	= 0;private String[]						selectionTitle	= {		"Single", "Rectangle A - B"						};private Vector3f[]						AB				= new Vector3f[2];// Misc.private GuiBaseNodeButton[]				coordButtons1;private GuiBaseNodeButton[]				coordButtons2;private int								INDEX_START		= 17;private int								indexCounter	= this.INDEX_START;private int								startLeft		= this.cw * 2,		startTop = this.ch * 2;public GuiBaseNode(TileEntityBaseNode tileEntity, EntityPlayer player) {	super(new ContainerNull());	this.player = player;	this.te = tileEntity;	this.locations = this.te.locations;	this.xSize = 227;	this.ySize = 226;}/** Button Clicks **/@Overrideprotected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) {	// Anything below the generated buttons for grid clicking	if (button.id < this.indexCounter) {		switch (button.id) {			case 0 : // Start Building				Rot.net.sendToServer(new BaseNodeRequestPacket(2, this.te.xCoord,						this.te.yCoord, this.te.zCoord, 0, 0, 0, 0));				break;			case 1 : // Send List				if (!this.locations.isEmpty()) {					UtilityBlockLocationType ublt;					for (int l = 0; l < this.locations.size(); l++) {						ublt = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations.get(l);						Rot.net.sendToServer(new BaseNodeRequestPacket(0,								this.te.xCoord, this.te.yCoord, this.te.zCoord,								ublt.x, ublt.y, ublt.z, Block										.getIdFromBlock(ublt.block)));					}				}				this.locations.clear();				break;			case 2 : // -X left/west				Rot.net.sendToServer(new BaseNodeRequestPacket(1, this.te.xCoord,						this.te.yCoord, this.te.zCoord, 0, 0, 0, 0));				this.locations.clear();				break;			case 3 : // +X right/east				if (this.currentBlock == 0) {					this.currentBlock = RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects.length - 1;				} else {					this.currentBlock--;				}				this.blockColor = RotBlocks.blockTypeColors[this.currentBlock];				break;			case 4 : // -Z forward/north				if (this.currentBlock == (RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects.length - 1)) {					this.currentBlock = 0;				} else {					this.currentBlock++;				}				this.blockColor = RotBlocks.blockTypeColors[this.currentBlock];				break;			case 5 : // +Z backwards/south				this.gridSizeOffset++;				break;			case 6 : // +Y up				this.gridSizeOffset--;				break;			case 7 : // -Y down				this.selectionMode = this.selectionMode == 0 ? 1 : 0;				if (this.selectionMode == 0) {					this.AB = new Vector3f[2];				}				break;			case 8 : // Clear, clears tileEntity list and this gui's List				this.xOffset--;				break;			case 9 : // < moves block array left				this.xOffset++;				break;			case 10 : // > moves block array right				this.zOffset--;				break;			case 11 : // Increase grid width				this.zOffset++;				break;			case 12 : // Decrease				if ((this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) == 255) {					break;				} else {					this.yOffset1++;				}				break;			case 13 :				if ((this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) == 0) {					break;				} else {					this.yOffset1--;				}				break;			case 14 :				if ((this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) == 255) {					break;				} else {					this.yOffset2++;				}				break;			case 15 :				if ((this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) == 0) {					break;				} else {					this.yOffset2--;				}				break;			case 16 :				Rot.net.sendToServer(new BaseNodeRequestPacket(3, this.te.xCoord,						this.te.yCoord, this.te.zCoord, 0, 0, 0, 0));				break;		}	}	// Start code for generated buttons	else {		int xB = ((GuiBaseNodeButton) button).x, yB = ((GuiBaseNodeButton) button).y, zB = ((GuiBaseNodeButton) button).z;		if (this.selectionMode == 1)// Range Mode		{			if (this.AB[0] == null) {				this.AB[0] = new Vector3f(xB, yB, zB);			} else if (this.AB[1] == null) {				if (new Vector3f(xB, yB, zB) != this.AB[0]) {					this.AB[1] = new Vector3f(xB, yB, zB);				}			}			if ((this.AB[0] != null) && (this.AB[1] != null)) {				int xh = (this.AB[0].x > this.AB[1].x ? (int) this.AB[0].x						: (int) this.AB[1].x);				int xl = (this.AB[0].x < this.AB[1].x ? (int) this.AB[0].x						: (int) this.AB[1].x);				int yh = (this.AB[0].y > this.AB[1].y ? (int) this.AB[0].y						: (int) this.AB[1].y);				int yl = (this.AB[0].y < this.AB[1].y ? (int) this.AB[0].y						: (int) this.AB[1].y);				int zh = (this.AB[0].z > this.AB[1].z ? (int) this.AB[0].z						: (int) this.AB[1].z);				int zl = (this.AB[0].z < this.AB[1].z ? (int) this.AB[0].z						: (int) this.AB[1].z);				for (int xs = xh; xs >= xl; xs--) {					for (int zs = zh; zs >= zl; zs--) {						for (int ys = yh; ys >= yl; ys--) {							addLocation(xs + this.te.xCoord, ys + this.te.yCoord, zs									+ this.te.zCoord);						}					}				}				this.AB = new Vector3f[2];			}		} else// single select		{			addLocation(xB + this.te.xCoord, yB + this.te.yCoord, zB + this.te.zCoord);		}	}	updateButtons();	this.updateScreen();}@Overrideprotected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int i, int j) {	this.gridSize = this.gS + this.gridSizeOffset;	if (this.locations.isEmpty()) {		this.locations = this.te.locations;	}	if (this.coordButtons1 == null) {		updateButtons();	}	GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F);	Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture(texture);	int gx1 = this.startLeft - 3, gx2 = (this.startLeft + (this.gridSize * this.cw))			+ (this.gridSize * this.cw) + this.cw + 3, gy1 = this.startTop - 3, gy2 = gy1			+ (this.gridSize * this.ch) + (this.gridSize * this.ch) + this.ch + 6;	int gw = ((this.gridSize * 2) * this.cw) + (this.cw + 6), gh = ((this.gridSize * 2) * this.ch)			+ (this.ch + 6);	// Drawing Map boarders	// Map 1	drawTexturedModalRect(gx1, gy1, 0, 0, gw / 2, gh / 2);// upper left	drawTexturedModalRect(gx1 + (gw / 2), gy1, 227 - (gw / 2), 0, gw / 2, gh / 2);// upper																					// right	drawTexturedModalRect(gx1, gy1 + (gh / 2), 0, 226 - (gh / 2), gw / 2, gh / 2);// lower																					// left	drawTexturedModalRect(gx1 + (gw / 2), gy1 + (gh / 2), 227 - (gw / 2),			226 - (gh / 2), gw / 2, gh / 2);// lower right	// Map 2	drawTexturedModalRect(gx2, gy1, 0, 0, gw / 2, gh / 2);// upper left	drawTexturedModalRect(gx2 + (gw / 2), gy1, 227 - (gw / 2), 0, gw / 2, gh / 2);// upper																					// right	drawTexturedModalRect(gx2, gy1 + (gh / 2), 0, 226 - (gh / 2), gw / 2, gh / 2);// lower																					// left	drawTexturedModalRect(gx2 + (gw / 2), gy1 + (gh / 2), 227 - (gw / 2),			226 - (gh / 2), gw / 2, gh / 2);// lower right	this.buttonList.clear();	// Start with main control buttons	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, gx1, gy2, 75, this.ch, "Start Building")); // right																					// now																					// does																					// nothing,																					// as																					// it																					// was																					// hit																					// and																					// miss	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, gx1 + 75, gy2, 75, this.ch, "Send List")); // Adds																					// the																					// location																					// based																					// on																					// x,y,z	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(2, gx1 + (75 * 2), gy2, 75, this.ch, "Clear")); // Clears																						// all																						// the																						// locations	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(3, gx1, gy2 + this.ch, 60, this.ch, "< Block"));// prev																						// block	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(4, gx1 + 60, gy2 + this.ch, 60, this.ch,			"Block >"));// next block	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(5, gx1 + (75 * 3), gy2, 60, this.ch, "Grid +"));// prev																						// block	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(6, gx1 + (75 * 3) + 60, gy2, 60, this.ch,			"Grid -"));// next block	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(7, gx1 + (60 * 2), gy2 + this.ch, 90, this.ch,			this.selectionTitle[this.selectionMode]));// selection mode	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(16, gx1 + (60 * 2) + 90, gy2 + this.ch, 75,			this.ch, "Get List"));// selection mode	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(8, (gx1 + gx2 + gw) / 2, gy1 - this.ch,			this.cw, this.ch, "<"));// X left	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(9, ((gx1 + gx2 + gw) / 2) + (this.cw * 3), gy1			- this.ch, this.cw, this.ch, ">"));// X right	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(10, ((gx1 + gx2 + gw) / 2) + this.cw, gy1			- this.ch, this.cw, this.ch, "^"));// Z 'forward'	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(11, ((gx1 + gx2 + gw) / 2) + (this.cw * 2), gy1			- this.ch, this.cw, this.ch, "v"));// Z 'back'	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(12, gx1 - this.cw,			(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) - (this.ch / 2), this.cw,			this.ch, "Y1+"));// Y1 up	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(13, gx1 - this.cw,			(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) + (this.ch / 2), this.cw,			this.ch, "Y1-"));// Y1 down	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(14, gx2 + gw,			(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) - (this.ch / 2), this.cw,			this.ch, "Y2+"));// Y2 up	this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(15, gx2 + gw,			(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) + (this.ch / 2), this.cw,			this.ch, "Y2-"));// Y2 down	// Visual information on location	/*	 * this.drawString(fontRendererObj, "OffSet: "+xOffset, (startLeft +	 * ((gridSize * 2) * cw)) + cw * 6, (startTop + (gridSize * ch) + 4) -	 * ch, 0xFFFFFF);	 * this.drawString(fontRendererObj, "OffSet: "+yOffset1, (startLeft +	 * ((gridSize * 2) * cw)) + cw * 6, (startTop + (gridSize * ch) + 4),	 * 0xFFFFFF);	 * this.drawString(fontRendererObj, "OffSet: "+yOffset2, (startLeft +	 * ((gridSize * 2) * cw)) + cw * 11, (startTop + (gridSize * ch) + 4),	 * 0xFFFFFF);	 * this.drawString(fontRendererObj, "OffSet: "+zOffset, (startLeft +	 * ((gridSize * 2) * cw)) + cw * 6, (startTop + (gridSize * ch) + 4) +	 * ch, 0xFFFFFF);	 * this.drawString(fontRendererObj, (AB == null ? "single Mode":(AB[0]	 * == null ? "Point A not selected" : AB[0])).toString(),	 * (startLeft + ((gridSize * 2) * cw)) + cw * 8, (startTop + ((gridSize	 * * 2) * ch)) - ch * 3, blockColor); // What block is selected	 */	this.drawString(this.fontRendererObj,			RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects[this.currentBlock].getLocalizedName(), gx1,			gy2 + (this.ch * 2), this.blockColor); // What block is selected	for (GuiBaseNodeButton element : this.coordButtons1) {		this.buttonList.add(element);	}	for (GuiBaseNodeButton element : this.coordButtons2) {		this.buttonList.add(element);	}}@Overrideprotected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2) {	if (par1 == 'a') {		this.xOffset--;		updateButtons();	} else if (par1 == 'd') {		this.xOffset++;		updateButtons();	} else if (par1 == 'w') {		this.zOffset--;		updateButtons();	} else if (par1 == 's') {		this.zOffset++;		updateButtons();	} else if (par2 == this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.getKeyCode()) {		if ((this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) == 255) {			return;		} else {			this.yOffset1++;		}		updateButtons();	} else if (par2 == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) {		if ((this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) == 0) {			return;		} else {			this.yOffset2--;		}		updateButtons();	} else if (par2 == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {		if ((this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) == 255) {			return;		} else {			this.yOffset2++;		}		updateButtons();	} else if (par2 == this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.getKeyCode()) {		if ((this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) == 0) {			return;		} else {			this.yOffset1--;		}		updateButtons();	}	if ((par2 == 1) || (par2 == this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindInventory.getKeyCode())) {		this.mc.thePlayer.closeScreen();	}}private void addLocation(int x, int y, int z) {	if (this.locations.isEmpty()) {		this.locations.add(new UtilityBlockLocationType(x, y, z,				RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects[this.currentBlock]));	} else {		boolean dupeObject = false;		for (int l = 0; l < this.locations.size(); l++) {			UtilityBlockLocationType ublt = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations					.get(l);			if ((ublt.x == x) && (ublt.y == y) && (ublt.z == z)) {				ublt.block = RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects[this.currentBlock];				this.locations.set(l, ublt);				dupeObject = true;			}		}		// If the coordinate is fresh add it in		if (!dupeObject) {			this.locations.add(new UtilityBlockLocationType(x, y, z,					RotBlocks.blockTypeObjects[this.currentBlock]));		}	}}// Updates the buttons ...startLeft + ((gridSizeX * 2) * cw)) + cwprivate void updateButtons() {	if ((this.coordButtons1 == null)			|| (this.coordButtons1.length != (((this.gridSize * 2) + 1) * ((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)))) {		this.coordButtons1 = new GuiBaseNodeButton[((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)				* ((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)];	}	if ((this.coordButtons2 == null)			|| (this.coordButtons2.length != (((this.gridSize * 2) + 1) * ((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)))) {		this.coordButtons2 = new GuiBaseNodeButton[((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)				* ((this.gridSize * 2) + 1)];	}	int buttonArrayIndex = 0;	UtilityBlockLocationType ublt;	for (int x = this.gridSize; x >= -this.gridSize; x--) {		for (int z = this.gridSize; z >= -this.gridSize; z--) {			IIcon t1 = null;			IIcon t2 = null;			int c1 = this.defaultColor;			int c2 = this.defaultColor;			String s1 = "x";			String s2 = "x";			Block worldBlock1 = this.te.getWorldObj()					.getBlock(x + this.te.xCoord + this.xOffset,							this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord,							z + this.te.zCoord + this.zOffset);			Block worldBlock2 = this.te.getWorldObj()					.getBlock(x + this.te.xCoord + this.xOffset,							this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord,							z + this.te.zCoord + this.zOffset);			if (this.selectionMode == 1) {				if ((this.AB != null) && (this.AB[0] != null)						&& ((x + this.xOffset) == (int) this.AB[0].x)						&& ((z + this.zOffset) == (int) this.AB[0].z)) {					s1 = "X";					s2 = "X";				} else {					s1 = worldBlock1.equals(Blocks.air) ? "." : "+";					s2 = worldBlock2.equals(Blocks.air) ? "." : "+";				}			} else {				s1 = worldBlock1.equals(Blocks.air) ? "." : "+";				s2 = worldBlock2.equals(Blocks.air) ? "." : "+";			}			if (!this.locations.isEmpty()) {				UtilityBlockLocationType ubltS;				// Look through every Item of the list				for (int ubltl = 0; ubltl < this.locations.size(); ubltl++) {					ubltS = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations.get(ubltl);					if (ubltS.y == (this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord)) {						if ((ubltS.x == (x + this.xOffset + this.te.xCoord))								&& (ubltS.z == (z + this.zOffset + this.te.zCoord))) {							s1 = "*";							c1 = ubltS.block.getMapColor(0).colorValue;							t1 = ubltS.block.getIcon(1, 0);							break;						}					}				}				for (int ubltl = 0; ubltl < this.locations.size(); ubltl++) {					ubltS = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations.get(ubltl);					if (ubltS.y == (this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord)) {						if ((ubltS.x == (x + this.xOffset + this.te.xCoord))								&& (ubltS.z == (z + this.zOffset + this.te.zCoord))) {							s2 = "*";							c2 = ubltS.block.getMapColor(0).colorValue;							t2 = ubltS.block.getIcon(1, 0);							break;						}					}				}			}			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex] = new GuiBaseNodeButton(					this.indexCounter++, (this.startLeft + (this.gridSize * this.cw))							+ ((this.cw * x)),					(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) + ((this.ch * z)),					this.cw, this.ch, s1);			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex] = new GuiBaseNodeButton(					this.indexCounter++,					((this.startLeft + (this.gridSize * this.cw))							+ ((this.gridSize * this.cw) * 2) + this.cw + 6)							+ ((this.cw * x)),					(this.startTop + (this.gridSize * this.ch)) + ((this.ch * z)),					this.cw, this.ch, s2);			if (((x + this.xOffset) == 0) && (this.yOffset1 == 0)					&& ((z + this.zOffset) == 0)) {				this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].packedFGColour = 0x0000FF;			} else {				this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].packedFGColour = c1 == this.defaultColor						? (worldBlock1.equals(Blocks.air) ? 0x00CCFF : worldBlock1								.getMapColor(0).colorValue) : c1;			}			if (((x + this.xOffset) == 0) && (this.yOffset2 == 0)					&& ((z + this.zOffset) == 0)) {				this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].packedFGColour = 0x0000FF;			} else {				this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].packedFGColour = c2 == this.defaultColor						? (worldBlock2.equals(Blocks.air) ? 0x00CCFF : worldBlock2								.getMapColor(0).colorValue) : c2;			}			float b1 = 1.0f, b2 = 1.0f;			int depth1 = 0, depth2 = 0;			while (t1 == null) {				t1 = this.te						.getWorldObj()						.getBlock(x + this.te.xCoord + this.xOffset,								(this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) - depth1,								z + this.te.zCoord + this.zOffset).getIcon(1, 0);				if (t1 == null) {					if (!this.locations.isEmpty()) {						// Look through every Item of the list						for (int ubltl = 0; ubltl < this.locations.size(); ubltl++) {							ublt = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations									.get(ubltl);							if (ublt.y == ((this.yOffset1 + this.te.yCoord) - depth1)) {								if ((ublt.x == (x + this.xOffset + this.te.xCoord))										&& (ublt.z == (z + this.zOffset + this.te.zCoord))) {									t1 = ublt.block.getIcon(1, 0);									break;								}							}						}					}					MathHelper.clamp_float(b1 -= 0.2f, 0, 1f);					depth1++;				}			}			while (t2 == null) {				t2 = this.te						.getWorldObj()						.getBlock(x + this.te.xCoord + this.xOffset,								(this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) - depth2,								z + this.te.zCoord + this.zOffset).getIcon(1, 0);				if (t2 == null) {					if (!this.locations.isEmpty()) {						// Look through every Item of the list						for (int ubltl = 0; ubltl < this.locations.size(); ubltl++) {							ublt = (UtilityBlockLocationType) this.locations									.get(ubltl);							if (ublt.y == ((this.yOffset2 + this.te.yCoord) - depth2)) {								if ((ublt.x == (x + this.xOffset + this.te.xCoord))										&& (ublt.z == (z + this.zOffset + this.te.zCoord))) {									t2 = ublt.block.getIcon(1, 0);									break;								}							}						}					}					MathHelper.clamp_float(b2 -= 0.2f, 0, 1f);					depth2++;				}			}			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].tex = t1;			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].x = x + this.xOffset;			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].y = this.yOffset1;			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].z = z + this.zOffset;			this.coordButtons1[buttonArrayIndex].brightness = b1;			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].tex = t2;			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].x = x + this.xOffset;			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].y = this.yOffset2;			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].z = z + this.zOffset;			this.coordButtons2[buttonArrayIndex].brightness = b2;			buttonArrayIndex++;		}	}	this.indexCounter = this.INDEX_START;	this.updateScreen();}}




This is all the old code before I had to butcher it and comment sections out just to get it to work at all. Any help to get the new [1.8] stuff to work would be great, as I want this gui to be given a list of blocks and let the player pick what one they want to draw with to build a blueprint, but to be able to use anything from even other mods.  Right now it is a fixed static list of blocks (which I do not want, just used as I was making this to get started quicker)

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You can iterate through the GameRegistry and check for blocks to add to your inventory - I would use a regular Container / IInventory / GuiContainer triplet to handle it, then you won't need to worry about rendering at all.


However, if you do choose to go with direct rendering, it is still possible - check out RenderSnowball. It uses a RenderItem instance (which you can get from Minecraft class) and then you pretty much just call 'renderItem.renderItemModel(ItemStack)'. Of course you'll want to mess around with it some to make it look nice in the GUI if it doesn't naturally, in which case I'd recommend you to check out GuiContainer.

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Thanks for the Pointers, I will dig into those and if I still have trouble I shall be back.



Well managed to get it to work, didn't think the line of code would be this long conga-line

"Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().getItemModel(new ItemStack(block)).getTexture()"

just so I can use the GUIs draw textured rec.


Thanks guys.

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