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[Help 1.8(1.7.10 Aceptable i can adapt)] Bugs Everyhere! Help pls

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  On 6/7/2015 at 9:08 PM, N247S said:

:D, I can read which line it mentioning. Could you post how that line looks like. E.g. could you post that part of the code? Besides, what instance is null?


I dont think you need to register a craftingManager Class itself, but I would like to see how you register a recipe.


About the slotProblem, have you updated the container Class? If so, than you're not using your custom slots yet. And the Id shouldn't be the same indeed.


Ps. Your tileEntityClass is an Container Class. I think you accidentialy uploaded the wrong Class.



the lines with null are on my previous post and the var "instance" (no qoutes) is null xD i may got it wrong :P

and sory about that updating code in 1 min


Oke, NP.


First of all, why don't you use your beautifull custom Slots in your containerClass? it might solve a problem or 2 :P.

About the CraftingManager, there are 2 instances which are null in this case. Yours (line 26) and the vanilla one (line 36), which might reveal the problem.


Try remove the onCraftingMatrixChanged method from your ContainerConstructor. As I can tell from the crashlog, the game doesnt like that verry much. Actualy that is the cause of the NPE! if you look at the 3th line underneath the NPE, you'll see that the game is calling the Containers' Constructor, and so the CraftingManger while its not Constructed yet.



- N2ConfigAPI

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- InGameConfigManager

  On 6/8/2015 at 9:24 PM, N247S said:

Oke, NP.


First of all, why don't you use your beautifull custom Slots in your containerClass? it might solve a problem or 2 :P.

About the CraftingManager, there are 2 instances which are null in this case. Yours (line 26) and the vanilla one (line 36), which might reveal the problem.


Try remove the onCraftingMatrixChanged method from your ContainerConstructor. As I can tell from the crashlog, the game doesnt like that verry much. Actualy that is the cause of the NPE! if you look at the 3th line underneath the NPE, you'll see that the game is calling the Containers' Constructor, and so the CraftingManger while its not Constructed yet.


well no more null things now just all slots on grid geting the same item could u explain more on suing my slots cause im already using them on the contructred DCTCrafting and DCTSlot on my slots and using vannila on vanilla inventory :/


Nice to hear!


Yea, either you havent updated the Container Class yet, or you still use the vanilla slotTypes. Inside the  Container you add the craftingGrid and a resultalot. (This.addSlotToContainer(new [slottype.Class]())) However inside this method you'rd still using Slot.Class and SlotCrafting.Class. try to replace these with your slots. E.g. DCTSlot and DCTCrafting. Cause right now the CraftingGrid is still linked to the PlayerInv..



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  On 6/9/2015 at 4:36 AM, N247S said:

Nice to hear!


Yea, either you havent updated the Container Class yet, or you still use the vanilla slotTypes. Inside the  Container you add the craftingGrid and a resultalot. (This.addSlotToContainer(new [slottype.Class]())) However inside this method you'rd still using Slot.Class and SlotCrafting.Class. try to replace these with your slots. E.g. DCTSlot and DCTCrafting. Cause right now the CraftingGrid is still linked to the PlayerInv..



omfreakinggod im so sorry xD after updating i wasnt saving.... code is updated for sure now

i was getting like wth this guy is talking about already did what he told but we where looking at diff classes xD my bad

im soo sorry again


No problem :D.



One thing I noticex on a first glance is that you swapped out the Slots type. You used the result as your craftingGridSlot and vica versa. Try to swap it out.


And after that, could you explain a bit more explicitly what the problem is? Like are only the crafting Slots linked together, or is the player inv. Involved as wel? And is it on shiftClick or in any circumstances.



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  On 6/9/2015 at 7:55 PM, N247S said:

No problem :D.



One thing I noticex on a first glance is that you swapped out the Slots type. You used the result as your craftingGridSlot and vica versa. Try to swap it out.


And after that, could you explain a bit more explicitly what the problem is? Like are only the crafting Slots linked together, or is the player inv. Involved as wel? And is it on shiftClick or in any circumstances.


well that was indeed swaped, fixed that and no more linked slots yay :D

inventory working just fine using shift

now i just cant craft anything... since i still dont get where i register my recipes on my crafting manager, i know how to add to the vanilla crafting but not to just mine :/


EDIT: well after tons of tests i found out that my crafting manager is never called neither is my recipes class :/ how can i make my block call its crafting manager + my read/writenbt stuff to save inventory is not being called :/


Yea, I hoped the onCraftingMatrixChanged would be triggered (which will update the recipe). But unfortunatly it doesnt apparently. I had a lot of problems with it as wel, so I checked for a valid recipe every tick through the Update() methode in the tileEntity.Class.

(I just saw you removed that method comletly? For this purpose you might want to add it back in. Only dont call it in the constructor)


About the NBTData problem, you might want to add these methods

public Packet getDescriptionPacket() {
	NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
	final int METADATA = 0;
	return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, METADATA, nbtTagCompound);

public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity pkt)


This will call both readfromNBT and writeToNBT when a packet is send/recieved.



- N2ConfigAPI

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- InGameConfigManager

  On 6/10/2015 at 5:26 AM, N247S said:

Yea, I hoped the onCraftingMatrixChanged would be triggered (which will update the recipe). But unfortunatly it doesnt apparently. I had a lot of problems with it as wel, so I checked for a valid recipe every tick through the Update() methode in the tileEntity.Class.

(I just saw you removed that method comletly? For this purpose you might want to add it back in. Only dont call it in the constructor)


About the NBTData problem, you might want to add these methods

public Packet getDescriptionPacket() {
	NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
	final int METADATA = 0;
	return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, METADATA, nbtTagCompound);

public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity pkt)


This will call both readfromNBT and writeToNBT when a packet is send/recieved.


yay its crafting now but only in some places...

working crafting slots are X's: x x x 0 0


  On 6/10/2015 at 5:26 AM, N247S said:

Yea, I hoped the onCraftingMatrixChanged would be triggered (which will update the recipe). But unfortunatly it doesnt apparently. I had a lot of problems with it as wel, so I checked for a valid recipe every tick through the Update() methode in the tileEntity.Class.

(I just saw you removed that method comletly? For this purpose you might want to add it back in. Only dont call it in the constructor)


About the NBTData problem, you might want to add these methods

public Packet getDescriptionPacket() {
	NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
	final int METADATA = 0;
	return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, METADATA, nbtTagCompound);

public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity pkt)


This will call both readfromNBT and writeToNBT when a packet is send/recieved.


yay its crafting now but only im a 3 by 3 but i have this as 5 by 5... (

public InventoryCrafting craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 5, 5);


and the two thing u sent me about the nbt isnt working they are not being called...


Do the NBT methods Override existing methods? And are the items saved when you close the gui? Otherwise Don't worry about it :D.


About the CraftingProblem, I dont think its the problem of the InventoryCrafting.Class, since they don't adjust any limits on the craftingGrid with and height. But what might be the case are the vanilla recipes itself. Their limmits have been set to 3x3, that means if its checking for relative Coords inside your CraftingTable outside the first 3 slots horizontally and vertically, the check will always be false.


A work around? duplicating all the craftingRecipes and add them following your own Recipe Mechanism.

A better way? I work closly together with CreativeMD, which has created an RecipeManager for modders and modpackCreators. I would recommend to check out his API(if he has updated it) since he has done the first option already for you :D.



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  On 6/10/2015 at 6:20 PM, N247S said:

Do the NBT methods Override existing methods? And are the items saved when you close the gui? Otherwise Don't worry about it :D.


About the CraftingProblem, I dont think its the problem of the InventoryCrafting.Class, since they don't adjust any limits on the craftingGrid with and height. But what might be the case are the vanilla recipes itself. Their limmits have been set to 3x3, that means if its checking for relative Coords inside your CraftingTable outside the first 3 slots horizontally and vertically, the check will always be false.


A work around? duplicating all the craftingRecipes and add them following your own Recipe Mechanism.

A better way? I work closly together with CreativeMD, which has created an RecipeManager for modders and modpackCreators. I would recommend to check out his API(if he has updated it) since he has done the first option already for you :D.


like only those 3x3 are working the others arent

i changed a debug recipe to this

this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.diamond_block, 1), new Object[] {"SSSS", "SSSS", "SSSS", 'S', Blocks.dirt});

and then when i place dirt on a 4x4 pattern it doesnt craft the diamond block but when it was only 3x3 it did(when using

this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.diamond_block, 1), new Object[] {"SSS", "SSS", "SSS", 'S', Blocks.dirt});



the nbt its not writing or reading it just not working and the packet things the same arent being called none of them.

is there a way to save the ivnentory every time the crafting grid changed? i tried using markDirty(); but it didnt work


Oke, you could try to add the detectAndSendChanges() to the container.Class. take a look at this Class for idea's if you wish.



About the recipe problem, honestly thats a copy-pasta problem. You copied the vanilla craftingManager.Class, though forgat that its adding, compairing and checking vanilla recipeTypes only. (Which has a limit of 3x3). Therefore try to change it so its adding, compairing and checking your recipeType.



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  On 6/11/2015 at 5:24 AM, N247S said:

Oke, you could try to add the detectAndSendChanges() to the container.Class. take a look at this Class for idea's if you wish.



About the recipe problem, honestly thats a copy-pasta problem. You copied the vanilla craftingManager.Class, though forgat that its adding, compairing and checking vanilla recipeTypes only. (Which has a limit of 3x3). Therefore try to change it so its adding, compairing and checking your recipeType.


well i did loads of code and finaly my nbt thing is being called but its always getting nulls because my inventory doesnt contain any items...(not the grid but the inventory[25] itemstack)

i see that inventoryItems has the grid items but the itemstack i declared didnt so thats the reason its null


and the crafting thing well i had to change the limits on shapedrecipes and shapelessrecipes i had to do new files and loop trough 5 instead of 3 also added all recipes manualy to my manager but still only working on the corner 3x3 because of that my 4x4 recipe isnt working...


Hey, I sorry that I let you wait this long, I had some bisnuese to attent to.


Anyway, I've been thinking whay possibly the link could be for the Slots added in the container and your tileEntity. And I realised that there is no refference to your tileEntity at all(inside your container). Where you used 2 vanilla IInventory-types (craftmatrix and craftresult) there should be your tileEntity instead(which implements IInventory as well).


As for the recipes, you seems to do everything oke. But I got some doubts by the way you added the vanilla recipes. Since they are adding regular recipes to the Arraylist which means it still got its limmit I think. Anyway, did you mentioned that non vanilla recipes aren't working either?...



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  On 6/15/2015 at 5:07 AM, N247S said:

Hey, I sorry that I let you wait this long, I had some bisnuese to attent to.


Anyway, I've been thinking whay possibly the link could be for the Slots added in the container and your tileEntity. And I realised that there is no refference to your tileEntity at all(inside your container). Where you used 2 vanilla IInventory-types (craftmatrix and craftresult) there should be your tileEntity instead(which implements IInventory as well).


As for the recipes, you seems to do everything oke. But I got some doubts by the way you added the vanilla recipes. Since they are adding regular recipes to the Arraylist which means it still got its limmit I think. Anyway, did you mentioned that non vanilla recipes aren't working either?...


omg *facepalm* myself


my fix to 5x5 worx


open this topic

start writing reply

open eclipse

start my recipes on constructer

debug client

*facepalm my self hard*

magicly 5x5 working



but still nbt not saving


Read carefully again.

Anyway, I've been thinking what possibly the link could be for the Slots, added in the container and your tileEntity. And I realised that there is no refference to your tileEntity at all(inside your container). Where you used 2 vanilla IInventory-types (craftmatrix and craftresult) there should be your tileEntity instead(which implements IInventory as well).


Otherwise it will change/save the itemStack array's in the vanilla IInventories instead.



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  On 6/17/2015 at 5:19 AM, N247S said:

Read carefully again.

Anyway, I've been thinking what possibly the link could be for the Slots, added in the container and your tileEntity. And I realised that there is no refference to your tileEntity at all(inside your container). Where you used 2 vanilla IInventory-types (craftmatrix and craftresult) there should be your tileEntity instead(which implements IInventory as well).


Otherwise it will change/save the itemStack array's in the vanilla IInventories instead.


ye sry my bad i did read that but i was doing one thing and saw it worked and then i forgot that xD gimme 10 mins+- to implement that and do some changed will reply back when done


EDIT: well all i did dont work i changed the things to my TE then it errors that such methods and costructers didnt exist so i created them then i error on all my code i fixed that and now i got so other errors so i gave up and restarted al over and hope u may give a lead i can follow


Thats unfortunate to hear :(.


Its a good thing you want to start from the beginning again, sometimes you cant see the rain with all the drops in the way. As an example, I can only give a link to a mod in progress, which adds a 4x4 craftingGrid. Though keep in mind that it usses a totally different CraftingSystem! Your system should do the trick(and is way less complicated :D).


Althoug it isnt finnished, the stuff you need should work perfectly fine.


I hope this helps you in the right direction.



- N2ConfigAPI

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- InGameConfigManager

  On 6/17/2015 at 9:14 PM, N247S said:

Thats unfortunate to hear :(.


Its a good thing you want to start from the beginning again, sometimes you cant see the rain with all the drops in the way. As an example, I can only give a link to a mod in progress, which adds a 4x4 craftingGrid. Though keep in mind that it usses a totally different CraftingSystem! Your system should do the trick(and is way less complicated :D).


Althoug it isnt finnished, the stuff you need should work perfectly fine.


I hope this helps you in the right direction.


after being for quite a while like this[ to your code i found out that none base methods on my TE was overriden --' so the called code was from minecraft and not mines so it wasnt being saved on mine itemstack

so after many much breakpointing(this thing rly helps finding problems) i se that the method

    public void setInventorySlotContents(int i, ItemStack itemstack) {
	inventory[i] = itemstack;
	if (itemstack != null && itemstack.stackSize > getInventoryStackLimit()) {
		itemstack.stackSize = getInventoryStackLimit();


is detecting the items i drop on the grid problem is the ID is Always 0 so its setting always the same index on the inventory itemstack array because this is the output slot index


EDIT: im just goin nuts with this i organized my project and workspaces and all this stuff and after import my code from github well the crafting stoped working..... it recognizes my recipes but not vanillas when out of 3x3 bounds but when inside it works great so that meast that somthing stupid fixed it but now i doest and the code is still the same from the 1 commit i made....

um not the best at java im still learning what i can i can do some work arounds and clean code and stuff but when it cames from scrach well i dont know how to start and how i do things, i have basics of java but is not its best.

i can make blocks, items, recipes and other simple things but when it cames to TE+Container+guis dam i suck so i try my best to learn that but with such errors i cant get no where


The best way to learn java is by trail and error. And I have to say that you are doing a great job at it :D.(not sceptical, but meant as a compliment).


But because Im not english, I have a hard time to understand what the problem actualy is(if its still existing of course :D). (So if so) Could you clarify the problem a bit more please?



- N2ConfigAPI

- Meachanical Crafting Table



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- InGameConfigManager

  On 6/19/2015 at 11:55 AM, N247S said:

The best way to learn java is by trail and error. And I have to say that you are doing a great job at it :D.(not sceptical, but meant as a compliment).


But because Im not english, I have a hard time to understand what the problem actualy is(if its still existing of course :D). (So if so) Could you clarify the problem a bit more please?



well im not english native so ye it can be even worse to understand xD


well all nbt code is working the thing is the only slot being saved is the output wich is a nonsence cause when theres nothing or no recipe matching theres not output so ye i want to save the grid but i cant seem to make it work

and also the crafting as also stoped working from nowhere i did no change and it stoped work i can craft all my recipes no problem but when it comes to vanilla it only works on corner 3x3


btw i will always list problems on each commit i do on github

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