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New World Type ?


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I got a good Idea for a Structure based Mod . But for those Structures i need to have a completely empty World . And if i Empty the World with :

for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
for(int k=0;k<16;k++)
	for(int i=0;i<256;i++)
	world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(j+(chunkX*16),i,k+(chunkZ*16)),Blocks.air.getDefaultState(),0);

It's just very slow and doesn't delete all blocks . Is there any Way to create a new World Option that makes Minecraft only run the Code of my WorldGenerator ?

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I've tried puting

if(!TerrainSet){world.getWorldInfo().setTerrainType(new IWorldType(world.getWorldInfo().getWorldName()));TerrainSet=true;}

in the generate Function of my Class that implements IWorldGenerator .


and i created another Class with :

public class IWorldType extends WorldType{

public IWorldType(String name) {

public IChunkProvider getChunkGenerator(World world,String generatorOptions)
	return null;

But it doesn't seem to work . Could it be because i return null instead of a IChunkProvider that really emptys the Chunk ?

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I've got some Situations were there was no difference .

Still though . I don't really get how a Chunkprovider works . And overriding the GetChunkGenerator Function didn't seem to change anything . I atleast expected a Crash if the Value is invalid . But It looks like the World still generates normally .

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Thank you . The Worldoptions now got a new Worldtype and it only generates empty Chunks . This Problem is solved .


There are just 2 other smaller Problems . Firstly how do i detect if this World Option is turned on so my WorldGenerator Class only generates in this Worldtype ? And secondly how do i set an exact Spawnpoint . world.setSpawnPoint(BlockPos) only seems to make the Player spawn in a specific Chunk . but i want an exact BlockPos .

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