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I used this tutorial from CoolAlias, taht one with the Extended Player Properties, but it seems like the event is fired, but it doesn't save the NBT, and I can't figure out why


public class PlayerProperties implements IExtendedEntityProperties

public final static String EXT_PROP_NAME = "IntektorsProperties";

private final EntityPlayer player;

public int researchState;

public PlayerProperties(EntityPlayer player)
	this.player = player;

public static final void register(EntityPlayer player)
	player.registerExtendedProperties(PlayerProperties.EXT_PROP_NAME, new PlayerProperties(player));

public static final PlayerProperties get(EntityPlayer player)
	return (PlayerProperties) player.getExtendedProperties(EXT_PROP_NAME);

public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound();
	compound.setTag(EXT_PROP_NAME, properties);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) compound.getTag(EXT_PROP_NAME);
	this.researchState = properties.getInteger("Research");

public void init(Entity entity, World world)




The event is fireds, I checked this, but it creates the Properties every time again


public void onEntityContructionEvent(EntityConstructing event){
	if(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer && PlayerProperties.get((EntityPlayer) event.entity) == null){
		PlayerProperties.register((EntityPlayer) event.entity);



Creator of Extra Shoes


Watch out, I'm total jerk, and I'll troll anybody if it feels like its necessary. Pls report me then


public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound();
	compound.setTag(EXT_PROP_NAME, properties);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) compound.getTag(EXT_PROP_NAME);
	this.researchState = properties.getInteger("Research");




properties.setInteger("Research", this.researchState);

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


What exactly makes you think it is not saved? How do you check it? Also how is "researchState modified?


First of all, this line of code


PlayerProperties.get((EntityPlayer) event.entity) == null


should make sure to only create a new instance of the properties, if there isn't already one, shouldn't it?


Also, when I use my update method


public void updateEntity() {
	if(theUser != null){
		finishedNBT.setBoolean(theUser.getDisplayName(), true);
		System.out.println(PlayerProperties.get(theUser).researchState + "" + FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide());


it prints 0 on both Client and Server, although


			ModArmMod.network.sendToServer(new ClientToServerMessage(7, new int[]{tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord}));

in my gui


if(message.ID == 7){
			TileEntityArmorModifier tileEntity = (TileEntityArmorModifier) ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.getEntityWorld().getTileEntity(message.extra[0], message.extra[1], message.extra[2]);


and thats it

Creator of Extra Shoes


Watch out, I'm total jerk, and I'll troll anybody if it feels like its necessary. Pls report me then


public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound();
	compound.setTag(EXT_PROP_NAME, properties);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) compound.getTag(EXT_PROP_NAME);
	this.researchState = properties.getInteger("Research");







thanks, but it won't cfhange anything if there is every time a new instance created

Creator of Extra Shoes


Watch out, I'm total jerk, and I'll troll anybody if it feels like its necessary. Pls report me then


There is a new instance created when the player is created, there is nothing wrong with that.


hm ok, but why the hell is it 0 then

Creator of Extra Shoes


Watch out, I'm total jerk, and I'll troll anybody if it feels like its necessary. Pls report me then

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