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Finding exact mob damage when holding weapons.


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I'm making a program that calculates damage in almost any possible situation in Minecraft (it's far from finished, even design wise):




The problem is this, I can't find a way to get consistent, correct damage values when some mobs hold stuff like wooden axes or gold pickaxes (via commands for adventure maps). I was told forge has that info, but where could can I find it?

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Provided that Mojang / any modders correctly implement their weapon-holding mobs, you'd get the correct attack damage simply by getting the current value for the mob's SharedMonsterAttribute for attackDamage.


However, I don't think that mobs calculate their actual total in the same way players do, but you can still use that to get their base damage value (usually) and then use entity#getHeldItem() to get their held ItemStack. Once you have the ItemStack, you can find all of its AttributeModifiers and Enchantments using various methods in ItemStack/Item and via NBT for enchantments.

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Where can I find all of this info? And do I need to pretty much learn how Java and whatnot to fully nail this down?


Oh, I see. You're making this calculator as a stand-alone application using some other programming language or tool? I thought you meant to make an in-game GUI that was a calculator.


I guess one way to do it instead would be to trust the information on the various Minecraft wikis out there. Most of them seem to have information that people got directly from the code (like every item indicates the ID and such, which are from the code). So if you look up each entity, each weapon, each relevant potion (there are only a couple that would affect damage), there may be enough description there.


So did you read pages like this one that explains damage: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Damage


This one explains attributes and attribute modifiers: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Attribute#Attributes_available_on_all_living_entities


This one explains enchantments: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Enchantments#Enchantments


Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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It seems like damage can be randomized a bit with mobs, so... that would make my program pointless?


No. You can still give the range. Have a min and max damage calculated. I kinda like the idea of the calculator and your design is nice. It's just that making it accurate will take a bit of detailed attention.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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