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[SOLVED] [1.8-1.8.9] Armor getArmorModel swingprogress rendering problem.


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Hello all.

I'm having difficulty either understanding or finding any documentation or other help articles on getArmorModel(), this is really the only problem I've had so far but it's a pain nonetheless. When trying to set the armorModel's swing progress, the swing progress doesn't behave as I would expect it to, granted it is probably down to me misunderstanding what the purpose of the equivalent field in the EntityLiving class is.


I have experimented with getSwingProgress and it's float parameter, but I am entirely uneducated about the partialTicks as suggested on Forge's methods.csv. When using either the variable or the method (with various parameters), this is happening;


Normal speed:


Slowed down:



package eu.tetrabyte.contentmod.items;

import eu.tetrabyte.contentmod.ContentMod;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumAction;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

public class Armor extends ItemArmor {
private float scale = 0.125F;
private ModelBiped armorModel = new ModelBiped(scale);
private ItemStack heldItem = null;
private EnumAction enumaction = null;

public Armor(ArmorMaterial material, int renderIndex, int armorType) {
	super(material, renderIndex, armorType);

public ModelBiped getArmorModel(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack, int armorSlot) {

	if (armorModel != null) {

		armorModel.isSneak = entityLiving.isSneaking();
		armorModel.isRiding = entityLiving.isRiding();
		armorModel.isChild = entityLiving.isChild();

		/** Attempted to use getSwingProgress() with various floats**/
		armorModel.swingProgress = entityLiving.swingProgress; // Delayed ? 

		armorModel.heldItemRight = 0;
		armorModel.aimedBow = false;

		heldItem = entityLiving.getHeldItem();

		if (heldItem != null) {

			armorModel.heldItemRight = 1;

			if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) {
				EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entityLiving;

				if (player.getItemInUseCount() > 0 && entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) {

					EnumAction enumaction = heldItem.getItemUseAction();

					if (enumaction == EnumAction.BOW) {

						armorModel.aimedBow = true;

					} else if (enumaction == EnumAction.BLOCK) {

						armorModel.heldItemRight = 3;


				armorModel.swingProgress = player.swingProgress;

	return armorModel;


public int getColor(ItemStack itemstack) {
	return 0xFFFFFF;

public int getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack itemstack, int renderpass) {
	return 0xFFFFFF;



The armor rendering is delayed as you can see in the image and I have fiddled with the parameter, not sure if this is a bug or my own incompetence. Could anyone provide assistance in fixing this? Hopefully this is a quick fix  :D .






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#getArmorModel is called before the model is rendered, obviously, which means that ModelBiped#setRotationAngles is called AFTER the model has been retrieved, so you shouldn't need to manually set any of those fields.


You can call ModelBiped#setModelAttributes(ModelBase model) using the _default ModelBiped parameter passed to you from #getArmorModel and it will copy the needed values over to your model.


Also, ModelBiped is CLIENT side only, so this:

private ModelBiped armorModel = new ModelBiped(scale);

will crash your game if you run your mod on a server. You need to either lazy initialize the field when you retrieve the model for the first time, or find some other way of doing it (such as initializing the models to use for each item in your ClientProxy).


If you want to store the field as a class field, you will need to add @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) annotation above it so it is stripped from the server jar:

private ModelBiped armorModel; // cannot inline initialize without crashing the server

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Thank you so much coolAlias and yeah pay no attention to the client only problem, wanted to tidy code up for posting and was running on 0 sleep; I have my own lazy initialize and its working, just isn't in that code, my apologies.


I am eternally grateful for your reply, I did a bit of exploring a while ago before I posted and considered the model attributes but when I took a look at the time, seemed a bit too complex for me to get my head around. I will look into it more and won't report back until I have some form of progress or a query, again thanks a ton for replying! Could I ask you to elaborate on the setModelAttributes? I don't think I get it.


Best regards


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Look at the method contents in your IDE and you will see what it does. It should be enough, since the armor renders as a layer on top of the regular model biped, and both models go through the same #setRotationAndAngles call with the same entity, and should thus have exactly the same rotation values without you doing anything special.

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OK I see what you're on about and how it's done, the only issue I am still having, is how to set that parameter for setModelAttributes(modelBase) I know I need to pull it from the player's model, but have no Idea how to do that. Looking at some people's examples I've found that's done in an entirely separate rendering class extending Render which is something I wanted to avoid.




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  • 3 months later...

I found what you mean by the _default parameter, I have no idea in the world how to grab the _default (I avoid rendering code for a reason, I openly admit I am awful at it) as its in ForgeHooksClient. I understand fully what I am supposed to do to set the attributes, use setModelAttributes(model) with said _default, how to grab the _default is another story.


It may be the case that my java knowledge is limited here but I have no idea how to access the ForgeHooksClient _default parameter so I can pull the model attributes from it, within the Armor class I am making that extends ItemArmor, ultimately Item; I am trying to avoid all excess rendering code as I know it is not necessary for me wanting to just change the scale of the model parts. Please enlighten me on how to 'pass that in', I am itching to finish this :P .


Best regards



Edit: http://pastebin.com/5AkHsrcb Updated view.

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