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[SOLVED][1.7.10] Searching for a dropped item on the ground...


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Hi guys,


I am looking for something similar to


Entity.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB ....


but that would return a specific searched item that was dropped on the ground. Any idea what method I could use?


Here is what I want to achieve.


My mob scan 50 squares around him and can smell a raw steak that was dropped on the ground. I am looking for a method that would return the list of instance of a specific item class within a specific range of a position.


I googled the heck out of this ... might be my choice of words, but I was not able to find anything.


Where should I start to look at?

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That's the method you have to use - specify EntityItem as the class of Entity to retrieve, and you will have a list of only EntityItems. Iterate through the list, cast to EntityItem, and check if it is the item you want.


Holy hell that does make sense. I was not figuring out that an item, when dropped on the ground ... becomes an EntityItem, which contains an ItemStack, which contains an Item.


Thanks a thousand time CoolAlias. I will come back here with my final result.

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That's the method you have to use - specify EntityItem as the class of Entity to retrieve, and you will have a list of only EntityItems. Iterate through the list, cast to EntityItem, and check if it is the item you want.


Ok so here is the way I did it .... works perfectly


protected EntityItem GetClosestItem(Entity fromEntity, Class anItemClass, int xDistance, int yDistance, int zDistance)
		if (fromEntity!=null)
			List _itemList = fromEntity.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(fromEntity.posX - xDistance, fromEntity.posY - yDistance, fromEntity.posZ - zDistance, fromEntity.posX + xDistance, fromEntity.posY + yDistance, fromEntity.posZ + zDistance));
			if ((_itemList!=null) && (_itemList.size()>0))
				EntityItem _entityItem = null;
				Iterator _iterator = _itemList.iterator();

				while (_iterator.hasNext())
					_entityItem = (EntityItem)_iterator.next();
					ItemStack _stack = _entityItem.getEntityItem();
					Item _item = _stack.getItem();
					//Check if the stack is the correct item type
					if (_item.getClass().equals(anItemClass))
						return _entityItem;
			return null;
		return null;
	catch (Exception e)
		return null;

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Just putting it out there, it's generally bad practice to test for an item class since they tend to be used for multiple instances.

You can test stack.getItem().equals(Items.steak)


There is the odd time where you'll test for a class to group the instances, but you can then instead use stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSteak

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Just putting it out there, it's generally bad practice to test for an item class since they tend to be used for multiple instances.

You can test stack.getItem().equals(Items.steak)


There is the odd time where you'll test for a class to group the instances, but you can then instead use stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSteak


Good point you have there. Thanks for the hint.

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