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[1.8] TESR renders correct shape, but is solid black, no texture

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So I have a TileEntitySpecialRenderer set up and I did everything pretty much the same way I did my last TESR, but for some reason it renders the shape correctly, but doesn't have the texture, or even the purple/black default texture, its just solid black.  I have double and triple checked that the Resource Location is correct and there's no typo in the filepath, and I even made certain that it was seeing the correct textures after each drawing.


Here's the code for the renderer:

package net.rpcraft.rpcraft;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.rpcraft.rpcraft.RPSpikes.TileEntitySpikes;

public class TileEntitySpikesRenderer extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer
private ResourceLocation spikeTexture;
private ResourceLocation bottomTexture;

public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity tileEntityIn, double posX, double posY, double posZ, float partialTick, int damage) 
	if(!(tileEntityIn instanceof TileEntitySpikes))

	TileEntitySpikes tileEntity = (TileEntitySpikes)tileEntityIn;

	if(tileEntity.getBlockMetadata() == 0)
		spikeTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesNormal.png");
		bottomTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesNormal.png");
	else if(tileEntity.getBlockMetadata() == 1)
		spikeTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesStained.png");
		bottomTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesNormal.png");
	else if(tileEntity.getBlockMetadata() == 2)
		spikeTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesDarkened.png");
		bottomTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesDarkened.png");
	else if(tileEntity.getBlockMetadata() == 3)
		spikeTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesDarkAndStained.png");
		bottomTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesDarkened.png");
		spikeTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesNormal.png");
		bottomTexture = new ResourceLocation(RPCraft.MODID, "textures/blocks/spikesNormal.png");

	Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
    WorldRenderer worldrenderer = tess.getWorldRenderer();

    GlStateManager.translate(posX, posY, posZ);
    worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
    worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D, 0.0D);
    worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
    worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);


private void TriangleVertices(WorldRenderer worldrenderer)
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.25D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.75D, 0.75D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);

	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.5D, 0.5D, 1.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.75D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 0.25D, 0.0D);
	worldrenderer.addVertexWithUV(0.5D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D);


So far the block is just extending blockContainer and the TileEntity is literally just


public static class TileEntitySpikes extends TileEntity {}


since I only needed it for the renderer.  Did I miss something?

Check out my Mod: The RPCraft Toolkit!


I had something like that happen when I updated 1.7 to 1.8 for a renderer for custom paintings. It turned out to be light level (everything is black if your light level function returns zero).


I had been calling the wrong function to get the illumination level for each tile's pos. I ended up calling this.renderManager.worldObj.getCombinedLight(...). Find where you're setting light level and compare your light source to what's used in a comparable vanilla renderer.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.


Well, as you can see from my code, I haven't overridden any functions that control light level.  Do you know where the light level is usually controlled from so I can attempt to locate the default function or emulate it?


I checked the vanilla code for chests and skulls, but found no functions that resembled yours or looked obviously related to light level.

Check out my Mod: The RPCraft Toolkit!


Found what I was missing!


Even though blockContainer overrides the standard render rules with getRenderType() return -1...


You still have to override IsOpaqueCube yourself to return false.  Seems like BlockContainer should do that as well, since your only going to use a TESR for something not cube-like lol.

Check out my Mod: The RPCraft Toolkit!

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