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[1.8] Organising model files


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Bit of a weird question, but I want to be able to organise my long list of json files for my block models better (by grouping them up in folders). This, I have been able to achieved fine, my problem is organising the folders for the block models in the players inventory (assets/<modname>/models/item). No matter how I put it, they will not work. The inventory models only works if its in the root item folder.


Here is all the relevant info:


Pic of directory:






  "variants": {
    "facing=north": { "model": "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemicalCraftingTable_north"},
"facing=east": { "model": "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemicalCraftingTable_east"},
"facing=south": { "model": "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemicalCraftingTable_south"},
"facing=west": { "model": "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemicalCraftingTable_west"}




"textures": {
    "particle": "alchemistscookbook:blocks/alchemicalCraftingTable_cauldron",
    "texture": "alchemistscookbook:blocks/alchemicalCraftingTable_cauldron",
    "alchemicalCraftingTable_craftingGrid": "alchemistscookbook:blocks/alchemicalCraftingTable_craftingGrid",
    "alchemicalCraftingTable_table": "alchemistscookbook:blocks/alchemicalCraftingTable_table"

// Then a bunch of model stuff




  "display": {
    "thirdperson": {
      "rotation": [ 10, -45, 170 ],
      "translation": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ],
      "scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]




package com.darkhawx.alchemistscookbook.client.render.blocks;

import com.darkhawx.alchemistscookbook.main.AlchemistsCookbookMod;
import com.darkhawx.alchemistscookbook.main.blocks.ModBlocks;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;

public final class BlockRenderRegister {

    public static String modid = AlchemistsCookbookMod.MODID;

    public static void reg(Block block) {
                .register(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(modid + ":" + block.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "inventory"));

    public static void reg(Block block, int meta, String file) {
        Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), meta, new ModelResourceLocation(modid + ":" + file, "inventory"));

    public static void preInit() {
        ModelBakery.addVariantName(Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.table), "alchemistscookbook:table_none", "alchemistscookbook:table_north", "alchemistscookbook:table_south", "alchemistscookbook:table_east", "alchemistscookbook:table_west", "alchemistscookbook:table_n_e", "alchemistscookbook:table_n_w", "alchemistscookbook:table_s_e", "alchemistscookbook:table_s_w", "alchemistscookbook:table_n_s", "alchemistscookbook:table_e_w", "alchemistscookbook:table_n_e_2", "alchemistscookbook:table_n_w_2", "alchemistscookbook:table_s_e_2", "alchemistscookbook:table_s_w_2", "alchemistscookbook:table_middle");
        ModelBakery.addVariantName(Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.alchemyTable), "alchemistscookbook:alchemyTable_none", "alchemistscookbook:alchemyTable_north", "alchemistscookbook:alchemyTable_east", "alchemistscookbook:alchemyTable_south", "alchemistscookbook:alchemyTable_west");
        ModelBakery.addVariantName(Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.philosophersStone), "alchemistscookbook:philosophersStone_north", "alchemistscookbook:philosophersStone_east", "alchemistscookbook:philosophersStone_south", "alchemistscookbook:philosophersStone_west");
        ModelBakery.addVariantName(Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.alchemicalCraftingTable), "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable_north", "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable_east", "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable_south", "alchemistscookbook:alchemicalCraftingTable_west");

    public static void registerBlockRenderer() {
        reg(ModBlocks.alchemicalCraftingTable, 0, "alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemicalCraftingTable_north");
        reg(ModBlocks.philosophersStone, 0, "philosophersStone_north");
        reg(ModBlocks.table, 0, "table/table_none");
        reg(ModBlocks.alchemyTable, 0, "alchemicalCraftingTable/alchemyTable_none");



Does anyone know what I need to change so that it works properly and so I can organised my item model files?


(All the models work when I place them, just not when I have to item in my inventory)

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You need to find a way to specify the model resource location's path; the only way I know of to do this is to use ModelBakeEvent to swap out the default /items/model.json for your item model with a new one that has the correct path.


You can also register item variants using

ModelBakery.addVariantName(Item, String...)

- it may be possible to add in the extra directories this way, e.g.:

String model_path = "modid:relative/path/to/model/model_name";
ModelBakery.addVariantName(this, model_path);


Remember also you will probably need to register the item renderer using your new path (in fact, this may be the only thing required - haven't tested it personally):

mesher.register(this, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(model_path, "inventory"));

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