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[1.7.10] MineCraft terminated at load screen with no crash report

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Hi there... i just paused my Mod for a while and now wanted to go on with it. but then i met this **** problem, when i click "run client" in eclipse, it do start the minecraft for me, but client will terminate at the load screen(for loading 7/7) and gives no information about y it terminated. In order to make sure that it is not the problem with my jre, i tried to start the official one with minecraft.exe, it works. Also i'm sure that my mod code dose nothing wrong(cause i tried to remove it from the mod folder and run mc in eclipse without custom mods, it also not work)... maybe someone has met the same problem? how u solve it? thx a lot for help


Your common proxy class name is wrong in the @SidedProxy.


i though so. but when i checked in it:


public static CommonProxy proxy;


and there my CommonProxy is:

package com.redintegrated.RedIntegratedMod.proxy;

public class CommonProxy {

public void initSounds() {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void initRanderers() {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub




it's not wrong...also i have ran this mod for more than 30times before and never terminated like this time.(i havent modified anything since last time i edited and ran it successfully)...[/code]


i tried to do that... but it dosent help.. also i'm now only running client, so i think theres nothing to do with fml-server-latest :(


also, i remember the first time i installed forge with gradle, i met this problem 2..and i tried to install forge in my .minecraft folder and then it works...but now..it happens again...


So the issue happens on the client, too?

Then that log you posted is useless.

Post the lastest log you have.


i have posted already, there are 2 links, one for server one for client...check it here:http://pastebin.com/zRkTR9iF

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