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[1.7.10] A function to get the direction in which a player is looking?


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Recently in my mod, we started to develop accessories as a utility for Traveller's Gear mod and we plan to add many cool stuff. However, one of my ideas was an accessory which pushes the player in the direction he's looking at (at least horizontally). I know there are many compass HUD mods, so there must be some kind of function which can be got to then apply mobility in that direction.


Any clues?

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Simple vector maths >_>

The code can be further improved to improve performance, current there are some redundant calcs.

float rad(float angle) { 
return angle * (float) Math.PI / 180; 

Vec3 lookVector(Entity player) {
float rotationYaw = player.rotationYaw, rotationPitch = player.rotationPitch;
float vx = -MathHelper.sin(rad(rotationYaw)) * MathHelper.cos(rad(rotationPitch));
float vz = MathHelper.cos(rad(rotationYaw)) * MathHelper.cos(rad(rotationPitch));
float vy = -MathHelper.sin(rad(rotationPitch));
return Vec3.createVectorHelper(vx, vy, vz);

The returned Vec3 is the player's looking direction vector.


You can also use ```player.getLookVec()``` for the exact same result.


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there must be some kind of function which can be got to then apply mobility in that direction.


Any clues?

In general, when you intuit that "there ought to be a vanilla function for that", you should look in the vanilla source code. Look in EntityPlayer and classes both above and below it in its lineage. By the time you post here, you should be telling us where you looked, what you found/tried, and why you still need help.


For my own curiosity, I just did that myself. I see a method in class Entity that may help you. However, I am using mc-1.8, so what you find (and how it's used) might be a little different than what I see. I'll give you the keywords "horizontal", "yaw" and "facing" to start your search.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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