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I have been looking through the Forge source as well as traced in debug mode, but can't be entirely sure of the answer to the following question:


When an entity is being rendered, does each entity posses it's own model object, or does the renderer instantiate just one model, pose it for each entity, render and move on? The former seems unlikely to me, since every render frame all the info is basically replaced during a render event.


The reason for this question is that I'm going about rendering a custom Player model not by substituting the modelrenderer, but by detecting and redirecting the render event to another modelrenderer - that way I can have the legacy renderer (as well as any others that the player might be using) and, at the press of a button, it can change to mine.


What I need to know is if me instantiating just one ModelRenderer and one Model is okay for this kind of method, or do I need to go about this another way, such as a Map of UUID to ModelRenderer.


If any of this is unclear, I'll try and elaborate in further posts. Any guidance is very appreciated!

I do pony stuff :3


You should keep the models cached, because they compile themselves into a Display List. If you create a new Model every time it will create a new Display List every time, which is not good.

You also need to clean up the Display Lists when you no longer need the model. For every


in your Model you need to call

GL11.glDeleteLists(<listID>, 1);





(you will need reflection to access this field, since it is private).


Thank you for the reply! I'll have to look into the displayList.


I guess that means that for my custom Renderer (which will imitate a RenderPlayer) I only need one instance of said class? It will contain, as you said, one instance of a model (derived from ModelBiped) which will be manipulated and rendered. I just want to make super sure I'm not doing something horribly against the current flow.

I do pony stuff :3

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