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[1.7.10] Compactify - Automating storage block compression!


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Have you ever seen a massively efficient iron farm in vanilla Minecraft, such as the Iron Titan, and wondered why everything can be automated...except you still have to manually craft the ingots into their storage blocks? Doesn't that seem a bit...annoying? Well, this mod fixes that. Third in the series of "lightweight mods to improve vanilla inconveniences", Compactify adds two new blocks to the game: the Compactor and the Extractor.


(Download the mod here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11662651/Minecraft/Mods/Compactify.zip )





The Compactor is crafted as you see in the image above: redstone in the middle, a piston above and below it, and iron ingots filling the sides. It has one input slot and one output slot; it will try to craft its input into the correct storage block, assuming one exists and you have enough items in the input to craft it. It will immediately craft once the conditions are satisfied, meaning if you have an item that can be crafted 2x2 or 3x3, it will craft the 2x2 by default unless you put in a stack of at least 9 at one time, in which case it will craft the 3x3 version first. Hopper automation puts one item in at a time, meaning the 4x4 option will be used with hoppers; other mods may introduce ways of automating the input of 9+ items at one time, which you can use to your benefit if you want.





Crafted with redstone in the middle, a sticky piston on either side, and iron ingots filling the top and bottom rows, the Extractor is the opposite of the Compactor: any item in its inventory that can be crafted alone for expansion into its parts will be crafted as such. For example, a block of iron as input becomes 9 iron ingots in the output.



Both the Compactor and the Extractor can take input from the top and all five sides, and will output to the bottom. They won't push automatically, though, so you'll need something to pull the results out, like a hopper or an Extra Utilities transfer node or something. Lots of options.


Helper Recipes

Compactify also adds two minor recipes that I feel Minecraft should already have: 1 wool will craft itself into 4 string, and 1 glowstone block will craft itself into 4 glowstone dust. Every other storage block works this way, so why not these two? :D


Mod Compatibility

The way this mod works, it is fully compatible with storage blocks from any other mod. Any items that can be crafted 2x2 or 3x3 will properly be compacted and extracted, so automate away! :)


Here's the download link once more: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11662651/Minecraft/Mods/Compactify.zip

Whatever Minecraft needs, it is most likely not yet another tool tier.

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