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I am trying to render an item which is based off of another item, based on the items NBT data. In previous versions, I would have used an IItemRenderer, but that no longer seems to work.


So, is there a method which allows me to do this?


Thank you for your help, I will look into these.


Is it possible to give an item a custom overlay (similar to enchanted item overlays) for specific layers?


Edit: And another thing: How can I get an item's ModelResourceLocation?


Edit 2: I am struggling to get ItemMeshDefinition to work.


Init event:

public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
test = new TestItem();

if (event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT)
	ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(test, test);



public class TestItem extends Item implements ItemMeshDefinition

public TestItem()

	GameRegistry.registerItem(this, "test");

public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(ItemStack stack)
	return new ModelResourceLocation("potato", "inventory");



Edit 3 (:P): I managed to get the issue to work, apparently you meant ItemModelMesher.register(Item, ItemMeshDefinition)


I have an item, which contains NBT data about an ItemStack, and I wish to have the model of the item be the model that the NBT ItemStack would use. (Sorry for the bad explanation.)


Edit: How do I register an ISmartItemModel for my item?

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