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Hello there,i am seeking for help:i have 1 block extending BlockPane,it has almost the same json files but it just renders as pink and black checkboards...

github link where u can find the source code:https://github.com/DiMuRie/DBound.git

you shall be searching for house_wall and rainbow_wall

all the model files have as parents the original pane model...

help :(


Upload the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log) to Gist and link it here. This will tell us what's going wrong.


Don't put your models and other assets in the


resource domain, use


in your blockstates file so it loads models from your resource domain.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.


[22:59:48] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to load block model: 'minecraft:block/housewall4sides' for variant: 'dbound:house_wall#east=false,north=false,south=false,west=false': java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/pane_nsew.json


For a model's parent model you need to specify the model path relative to the models directory, so use


as the parent instead of just





[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: ****************************************
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: * The object zhang.DBound.Items.aw@5963a2c9 has been registered twice for the same name dbound:azrons_wrath.
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry.add(FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry.java:432)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData.registerItem(GameData.java:120)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerItem(GameRegistry.java:152)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerItem(GameRegistry.java:137)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at zhang.DBound.DBoundItems.register(DBoundItems.java:25)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at zhang.DBound.DBoundMod.preInit(DBoundMod.java:32)...
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: ****************************************
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: ****************************************
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: * The object zhang.DBound.Items.fantasysw@79143853 has been registered twice for the same name dbound:fantasysw.
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry.add(FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry.java:432)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData.registerItem(GameData.java:120)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerItem(GameRegistry.java:152)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerItem(GameRegistry.java:137)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at zhang.DBound.DBoundItems.register(DBoundItems.java:26)
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: *  at zhang.DBound.DBoundMod.preInit(DBoundMod.java:32)...
[22:59:34] [Client thread/WARN]: ****************************************


You're registering your




items twice, don't do this.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.


it worked! :D

one more question:if i put a file in the minecraft/models/block folder named stone.json,will it override the original like a resouce pack?


Yes. Every Forge mod is a resource pack, so you can override vanilla assets with your own. Keep in mind that user-added resource packs will take priority over mod resource packs.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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