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Hey there community. I have a rather simple request and honestly I think I am just overthinking it or maybe totally misunderstanding it. I am trying to make a pair of shears that do an AoE Shear. So very simply any sheep within a radius of X around the player get sheared all at the same time.


I am trying to make a list like so:

List<EntityLivingBase> shearList = player.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, entity.boundingBox.expand(6.0F, 6.0F, 6.0F));


I did this in the past with an entity that pulsed out an AoE Slow to all things around it so I figured that the process was basically the same. Perhaps maybe that is where I am wrong. Anyway, the code works fine, as it is standard Vanilla Shears code just slightly modified. I just can't get this AoE part to work.


Here is the code:



A shove in the right direction or an example is really all I need.


I have done lists like this before and iterated through them and applied potion effects for example like in this piece of code:



I assumed it would be the same concept? Buuuuttt apparently I am wrong and that is why I am here, for help and to learn.


Hey there community. I have a rather simple request and honestly I think I am just overthinking it or maybe totally misunderstanding it. I am trying to make a pair of shears that do an AoE Shear. So very simply any sheep within a radius of X around the player get sheared all at the same time.


I am trying to make a list like so:

List<EntityLivingBase> shearList = player.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, entity.boundingBox.expand(6.0F, 6.0F, 6.0F));


I did this in the past with an entity that pulsed out an AoE Slow to all things around it so I figured that the process was basically the same. Perhaps maybe that is where I am wrong. Anyway, the code works fine, as it is standard Vanilla Shears code just slightly modified. I just can't get this AoE part to work.


Here is the code:



A shove in the right direction or an example is really all I need.


I have done lists like this before and iterated through them and applied potion effects for example like in this piece of code:



I assumed it would be the same concept? Buuuuttt apparently I am wrong and that is why I am here, for help and to learn.


I would try something like this:


double d0 = 3.0D;
         List list = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(this, new AxisAlignedBB(player.posX - d0, player.posY - d0, player.posZ - d0, player.posX + d0, player.posY + 6.0D + d0, player.posZ + d0));

         for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
            //Dont forget to check if Entity is instance of an Sheareable Entity
            //Then get the entity and do something
             Entity entity = (Entity)list.get(i);
             //DO SOMETHING


this is from the EntityLightningBolt class so hope you can work with it, and also nice to see you here too Halestorm :)

"My Crew is World Wide." 「ヤング • エルトウ」


Hey there, good to see you also. So I tried changing it up a little bit by using the getEntitiesExcludingPlayer function so as to avoid a player check let alone any possible mishaps. Here is the issue now.


The item seems to do what it is supposed to do, which is shear the sheep. However it doesn't sheer all the sheep within the area, not to mention it doesn't sheer the sheep you use the item on (which I think has to do with the bounding box)


So here is what the code looks like now:


The for loop btw was a great thought, sometimes you just need someone to point out the obvious lol.


I know I am probably close so any thoughts?



1) I wouldn't cast an entity into IShearable until after the test for instanceof IShearable (declare target inside if).


2) Right now, your shears need to act on one sheep in order to affect other sheep near the first. If you wished, you could set the area of effect to center on the player doing the shearing.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.


Very well. I have adjusted it accordingly. Here is the new code.




We seem to crash though if other entities are nearby that are not shearable as indicated here: http://pastebin.com/aRLaHA6P


Now I know why this is happening. We are collecting all entities around the player (as I have changed the center point) and we are picking up non-shearable entities and placing them in the list.


My question is, how do we "skip" over the entity if it is not a shearable entity to avoid this crash or better yet, not pick it up at all?


Is it simply because I do not have an else check to say what to do if a non-shearable entity is picked up....because if that's the case i feel like an idiot lol.


You've got your code backwards:

for (int i = 0; i < shearList.size(); i++) {
   // recall that 'entity' is passed in the method parameters... but don't you want to check the entity from the list?
   if (entity instanceof IShearable) {
        IShearable target = (IShearable)shearList.get(i);


Should be:

for (int i = 0; i < shearList.size(); i++) {
   Entity target = shearList.get(i);
   if (target instanceof IShearable) {
        IShearable shearable = (IShearable) target;


Note that you can also retrieve a list of just IShearable entities directly:

List<IShearable> shearList = player.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(IShearable.class, player.boundingBox.expand(6.0F, 6.0F, 6.0F));
for (IShearable shearable : shearList) {
  // now you've already got an IShearable instance


OUTSTANDING! Lol, I knew it was something silly. And looking back over the corrections it makes perfect sense lol (go figure :P).


Now there is one last problem. When shearing a group of sheep they don't all get sheared. And the sheep I am targeting is not the one that gets sheared, usually it is the one next to it. Then after the shearing of the one sheep occurs, I can no longer shear any of the other sheep in the group.


So in summary, only one sheep gets sheared, not the one I am looking at, and the sheep in the group do not all "get sheared". This i believe is the last issue.


UPDATED: http://pastebin.com/JDGEnKQm (I like retrieving the list directly like in your note post and may change it after this shearing issue gets resolved.)


You have a return statement inside your for loop, so of course it ends after the first shearable entity. Put return statements last unless you actually want to return right away.


If the return value is important, store it in a variable:

boolean sheared = false; // start with false
for (a : b) {
  if (a is shearable) {
     sheared = true;
return sheared; // if even 1 sheep was sheared, this will be true


Wow....I feel like a total idiot. Well sometimes you just need another pair of eyes to point out the obvious...that was kinda embarrassing lol, but you know what.....IT WORKS NOW :P AoE Shears are a go :P Thank you much. Obvious mistakes are sometimes the hardest ones to see.

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