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I'm trying to create a new simply Item, I got it but I couldn't set the texture.

In my mod


@Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, name = "examplemod", version = ExampleMod.VERSION)
public class ExampleMod
    public static final String MODID = "examplemod";
    public static final String VERSION = "1.0";


I register the new item:

        Item test_item = new Item();
        GameRegistry.registerItem(test_item, "test_item");


Then I register the render model item:

        Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(test_item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("examplemod:test_item"));


And finally that's my files' structure for resources:





When that's content for test_item.json

    "parent": "builtin/generated",
    "textures": {
        "layer0": "examplemod:items/test_item"
    "display": {
        "thirdperson": {
            "rotation": [ -90, 0, 0 ],
            "translation": [ 0, 1, -3 ],
            "scale": [ 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ]
        "firstperson": {
            "rotation": [ 0, -135, 25 ],
            "translation": [ 0, 4, 2 ],
            "scale": [ 1.7, 1.7, 1.7 ]


I have copy json and png from minecraft package in forge, using the apple model(json & png).


When I launch the game, I can get my Item but it hasn't texture, purple and black you know.

No errors are shown, but if I change test_item.json.textures.layer0 to another route, It shows an not found image error.

So, json it's ok because else would show an error, and it doesn't.


Where can be the error?


Thanks for help. I will pay attention for help :).



Professional backend developer.

Job experience on PHP Backend & Java EE.


Can you upload the full FML log (from logs/fml-client-latest.log) to Gist and link it here?

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.




Close it




On ModelResourceLocation class, read the constructors.


You should use this one:

public ModelResourceLocation(String p_i46081_1_, String p_i46081_2_) {
        this(0, parsePathString(p_i46081_1_ + '#' + (p_i46081_2_ == null?"normal"_i46081_2_)));


On my case:

new ModelResourceLocation("examplemod:test_item", "inventory");


Good Luck!



Professional backend developer.

Job experience on PHP Backend & Java EE.

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