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How well are you with Java? Because that shit is harder than one would think it is. A lot of problems can come from it.


Anyway - have actually tried ANYTHING?

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


How well are you with Java? Because that shit is harder than one would think it is. A lot of problems can come from it.


Anyway - have actually tried ANYTHING?

Oh, Thanks Your Answer. I can't english very well.. sorry :)


I tried my custom class extends EntityPlayerMP.


But that is the problem then.

I don't know.    :-[


public CustomPlayer(MinecraftServer server  WorldServer problem_1, GameProfile uuid,

ItemInWorldManager problem_2)



i don't know input        problem_1, problme_2...




Look at FakePlayer class. It tells you how to make instance of player.


Note: FakePlayer is not designed to be spawned as entity in world. It is supposed to be used as server-side "acting" class on which you can (somehow) operate on data.

Note 2: Consider making "special" player based on EntityLivingBase. Extending Player classes should happen only if you REALLy need them to be actual players, but then again - it is not as easy as jsut spawning them - fake-ish player entities don't work well with system.


I can't really help without DIRECT questions. I was working on player-like NPCs like thrice (+currently) and I always ended up with extending EntityLivingBase. It's cleaner that way and it doesn't mess with internal systems.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


Look at FakePlayer class. It tells you how to make instance of player.


Note: FakePlayer is not designed to be spawned as entity in world. It is supposed to be used as server-side "acting" class on which you can (somehow) operate on data.

Note 2: Consider making "special" player based on EntityLivingBase. Extending Player classes should happen only if you REALLy need them to be actual players, but then again - it is not as easy as jsut spawning them - fake-ish player entities don't work well with system.


I can't really help without DIRECT questions. I was working on player-like NPCs like thrice (+currently) and I always ended up with extending EntityLivingBase. It's cleaner that way and it doesn't mess with internal systems.


Very Very Thanks xD

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