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So my daughter LOVES minecraft, this non techy mom has spent about 5 hrs reading every tutorial out there, following step by step instructions etc to install a mod. At this point I'm happy to say I've gotten forge installed and the 3 default mods are installed on our minecraft. I have however not been able to get a single other mod (and I've been trying to find ones compatible with our version) to add itself to the list. I find the mod, download it, go to "run" enter in the %appdata% > minecraft > mod file. drag it in there. I tried a couple that were 1.8, and it straight out wouldn't load saying that my version isn't compatible, but the ones that are 1.9 (which is what we have) go in, Minecraft will load just fine... but they don't show up in my Mod list. I've tried the most recent version of optifine at the suggestion of the one tutorial. I've tried a few others, none show up. Does the path I'm following sound correct? I don't claim to have ever done this before, but would love to get this up and running for my daughter.


First of all: Modded 1.9 is very early beta, I doubt there are many mods for it and those that are probably still quite buggy since forge itself is still buggy in a lot of places.

So I recommend sticking to 1.8.9 for now.


Mods go in


(notice the s, not sure if that was a typo on your end).


If you have problems, post logs (





Thank you, I figured that. So should prob just wait a bit and it'll work itself out and have functioning mods.

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