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Odd display coloring issues


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I have some hud "mana bar" type things that I am displaying but there are some odd things going on.

1. If I do not have an item in my hand all the bars go black

2. The colors don't look like they do when I pull the values from here


This is my hud overlay class

public class CustomHud{

private static LuxinBarRenderer[] bar_Lux;

public CustomHud(){
	Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
	Collection<ILuxin> luxin = LuxinReg.RegisteredLuxin.values();
	bar_Lux = new LuxinBarRenderer[luxin.size()];
	int index = 0;
	for(ILuxin lux : luxin)
		bar_Lux[index] = new LuxinBarRenderer(lux.GetName(), mc, index, lux.GetColor());

public void onEvent(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event) {

public void renderHud()
	for( LuxinBarRenderer rend : bar_Lux)


This is the LuxinBarRenderer class

public class LuxinBarRenderer {

private final static int BAR_WIDTH = 81;
private final static int BAR_HEIGHT = 9;
private final static int BAR_SPACING = 3;

private String lux;
private Minecraft mc;
private int iteration;
private int[] RGB;

public LuxinBarRenderer(String lux, Minecraft mc, int iteration, int[] RGB)
	this.lux = lux;
	this.mc = mc;
	this.iteration = iteration;
	this.RGB = RGB;

public void RenderLuxinBar()
	EntityPlayerSP player = mc.thePlayer;
	if(player == null)
	IDrafter drafter = DraftingProvider.get(player);
	if( drafter == null && !(drafter instanceof DefaultDrafter))
	DefaultDrafter prop = (DefaultDrafter) drafter;
	float avail = prop.GetAvailableLuxin().get(lux);
	float cap = prop.GetMaxLuxin().get(lux);
	float percent = cap / avail;

	GL11.glColor4f((float)RGB[0]/255, (float)RGB[1]/255, (float)RGB[2]/255, .6f);

	int top = BAR_SPACING + (iteration * (BAR_SPACING + BAR_HEIGHT));
	int left = BAR_SPACING;
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left + BAR_WIDTH, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left + BAR_WIDTH, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top + BAR_HEIGHT);

	GL11.glColor4f((float)RGB[0]/255, (float)RGB[1]/255, (float)RGB[2]/255, 1f);
		int right = left + (int)(new Float(BAR_WIDTH) / percent);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(right, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(right, top);			


Any idea what would be cause these issues?

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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So I started a new world and the bars were displaying properly.

I created one of my items and then only the luxin type that was used to create that item displayed properly and all of the others changed hue.


I then killed a chicken with my item, got 2 feathers and all of the bars display correctly again.

If I throw one or both of the feathers out of my inventory all but that one bar get messed up.

Picking up the feathers fixes the display.


I am so confused...

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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When you render, you change GL states - just make sure you are getting back at proper state after rendering.


1. When using RenderGameOveralyEvent you ALWAYS need to pick event.type (otherwise you render multiple times per frame) - I suggest: ElementType.ALL.


2. RenderGameOveralyEvent has 2 subs - Pre and Post - Pre can be used to cancel renderings of vanilla/other mods, Post should/can be used for your stuff.

Post rendering also (usually) guarantees that you "can't" really messup other renderings since you do it at the end - still - you will probably need to re-set GL attrubutes - to know which to what - see where this event is called and what attrisbs were there before (or you know - just print them).


3. Are you sure problem is code in question? (just make sure).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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1. So you mean surround all that with an

if(event.type == ElementType.ALL)
   //my code


2. Alright, I'll switch that to post.


3. I really have no idea but I cant think of anywhere else in my code that might be causing this. The only other part of my code this touchs is ILuxin#GetColor which for all instances is a single line method that looks like this

public int[] GetColor(){return new int[]{255,0,0,255};}


So after applying 1,2 The bars are staying the correct color but when I scroll through the hotbar any time I come across an item the bars completely disappear for a short time(1.5 - 2 seconds). I Also tried removing my receiveCanceled=false but that didn't change anything.


is that something that might be getting caused by using ElementType.All?

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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