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Inherited json file notfound error during Gradle build(Mods pls read disclaimer)


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TL;DR - Skip towards the end of my message lol, where I have highlighted the start of my technical question.


--Begin Disclaimer--

First, sorry if the "pls" and such in title offends anyone's sensibilities :P Although I would hope people would not focus on a silly detail like that. Either way I "had to" do it because well, you guys understandably have a title char limit. Now onto my real disclaimer...which BTW I am primarily typing because even though I read the relevant Rule Threads of this forum, I am not 100% sure if you guys are cool with me posting this type of question in this subforum.


That said, the crux of my actual disclaimer is: IFF through Rules I somehow missed or misunderstood you guys of the Forge Team do not like this question being on this subforum..I will be absolutely accept it if you then decide to take action to, e.g. move it to a different subforum, if that is a better place for it. At the least I would feel that way for sure so long as your system informs me that the thread is moved. Alternatively, if for any reason you cannot or will not move the thread in that hypothetical scenario...then tell me it should be move and I will gladly "reposition" it.

--End Disclaimer--


Now that my disclaimer is over, let me also say that I'm sorry if, because of it, my post comes off as being oddly ceremonious, preemptive, etc compared to the norm here but I have my reasons and I will give them in brief now. For my background, without waffling, I am a graduate of a games dev course (undergrad. uni level) but I have never tried MC modding in any capacity. But now I want to do my best to teach myself using the awesome pool of online resources that exists for learning to do MC modding stuff. Now because that is my "life situation" I just want to be crystal clear on things so I'm not misunderstood. Here, a few bullet points:

  • I know, because of the huge amount of obviously presented disclaimers and ultimatum-style "no means no" statements that you maintain on this site, that you have surely suffered from (and had to ban) a fair share of...undesirable people. So on that note I categorically say no, I do not intend to push myself into a situation where I am being THAT GUY who "sponges" incorrigibly and expects, for example you people, to make his mod for him. Or just well, people that keep pestering and expect you to cave and do things you said you won't help with.
  • To follow up, since I am not that kind of person and I will do my utmost to teach myself, I do not want to "burn bridges" with Forge devs, staff, etc...because I really want to try eventually use Forge for stuff. :)


Alright then, I feel that is the bulk of my "preamble" out of the way (sorry again it's a bit long for what it is..!) so without further ado here is the technical description of my issue.


Technical problem description here!

Standard fare I guess; what OS am I on? Windows 10 64-bit.

I had started to follow one of the tutorials by "CPW", this one right here

Very earlier on I had issues, but I fixed some of them. I will point out that before realising these forums existed I asked for help in the YouTube comments...but do not feel obliged to read that comment I posted. Most importantly I say that because my unanswered call for help over there is about the problem I fixed already today; that is, that Git wasn't in my Windows %PATH% variable..so Gradle didn't work.


Now my problem is still a failure during trying to run the "build.gradle" file..but the error is different and indicates that indeed Git not being found is no longer a problem. I will provide a pastebin for the full IDEA log snippet but the pop-up error in IntelliJ is "Inherited json file (null) not found! Maybe you are running in offline mode?  Consult IDE log for more details". My pastebin for the log is right here: http://pastebin.com/ZMYrrEy8 Maybe I didn't approach it the best way, but I did try googling for a generic answer to this error..but I had no luck. If these would matter...I checked in IntelliJ settings and for both Gradle and Maven (though I guess surely Maven is not a Forge thing..? Quick googling of offline mode intellij stuff has me wondering) I am not set to work in offline mode.


Well I think that wraps up technical details...assuming you are happy to leave this thread here, I will be happy to provide any more details that one might need in order to help me, if someone is able to help at some point that is. :) I will say in advance thanks so much for your time, if someone can actually help me fix my problems! :D

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Unfortunately I couldn't get here to reply sooner really...and the website 503'ing and apparently not posting my message a few hours ago hasn't helped that. :/


But anyway, thanks for replying. :)  So if it's a library issue my question now is how do I figure out what library (or libraries) I need that are missing? Or alternatively so that I can check them all is there a list somewhere of all libraries I would need to get this Forge environment working? Specifically I mean all libs that, when missing, would cause this step of the setup to fail (i.e. the Gradle build step), of course.

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I don't know enough about what libraries forge uses or what classes come from which libraries but I think that is from the guava-17.0.jar. Your best bet would be to change title of this to something like  <minecraft version> file not found while building. You should probably also edit your original post to highlight your current problem. I have found that people here respond quickest to blunt questions as long as show that you have attempted something and they can see the results (error log, etc)

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Alright soo..you mention the guava JAR file. So I am wondering then, does it have to be the same guava version that Minecraft uses? I guess so right, and as such I should use the version in my Minecraft folder? Finally my last question regarding this aspect of the issue then is, would adding the directory containing guava-17.jar to my %PATH% be a typically "objective best" solution for it? :)


EDIT: I tried adding the exact directory (i.e. going deep in through all the nesting of folders lol) where Minecraft's guava jar is onto my %PATH% but I did restart my laptop and it seems like the build.gradle stuff is still failing with the same error. At least it's the same pop-up error in IntelliJ anyway. On the offchance that I am not seeing a more specific detail in the error log ( with my untrained eyes..) here is the new log, from after I tried once guava was put on my %PATH%  http://pastebin.com/CiiL1vm8

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So, at this point now I *think* my %PATH% and also global library config for IntelliJ have been updated to have Guava's directory added there. But it seriously just appears to be the exact same error happening. :/ I'm still getting used to IntelliJ so I'm not absolutely certain, but I am fairly confident that I added Guava as a global lib successfully. The settings dialog was via File->Project Structure->Platform settings->Global libraries so I mean...going by the names of stuff in that menu it seems legit lol.


Is it possible that I am missing other libraries too? Should I like, for example, add paths to all libraries that Minecraft comes packaged with? Or is it a case of that being overkill because Forge doesn't need them all?

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You should only need a path variable for your jdk. You might just need to rerun setupdecompworkspace and intellij again. It won't hurt any code you have written.


Wait, should I really be trying to run that Gradle task at this point? O.o I guess I'll try now to see what happens but I'm just curious because I mean, in the tutorial video "setupDecomp" is after the step I'm failing on I would think, so..this just comes across as skipping a step.


EDIT: Wait no, can I even run that task at this point..? I'm not sure. I mean the thing is like I said Gradle fails with this error when it is trying to execute build.gradle, and that is a step somewhat before I would get to being able to run setupDecomp.

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what ... regardless of your IDE the first step in getting your environment setup is running gradlew setupdecompworkspace (i guess aside from making a git repository but that isn't really part of the environment) what tutorial are you following?

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The most basic setup is to do this:

1. download forge mdk version that you want

2. extract it to the folder that you want to contain the src of your mod

3. set up your system path variable to the java version you are using

4. open a command prompt inside of the folder that you extracted forge to

5. put this in CMD "gradlew setupdecompworkspace"

6. "gradlew <IDE>" eclipse/intellij

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I see, thanks for those replies :) I kind of did want to stick with figuring out why the method in the tutorial is being so "temperamental" but at this point taking an easy way out is looking more appealing lol. Furthermore, I suppose as it stands I don't have a need to set up the dev-env for Forge itself rather than modding so yea, haha..


The one thing I want to ask though is, related to something I would like to do once I have taught myself to be comfortable/proficient Forge. That is, basically what has inspired me to really want to learn this stuff is I got talking to someone who is a dev for a Minecraft mod and in talking to them I expressed how awesome I thought it would be if eventually I would be able to assist them with dev work. :) Obviously I know I will have to spend decent amounts of time learning Forge itself but, it's just something nice I'm keeping in mind as a longer term goal. So my question as a result of this is that assuming I go install the MDK as you suggested, "abandoning" the tutorial I was looking at atm, in the future would it still be relatively simple to do further setup to like, get the "subenvironment" for my acquaintance's specific mod working? I suppose the essence of my question is: If I set up Forge MDK to make practice mod(s) right now, that environment setup should be inherently "open" to also importing existing mods right? :) If so then I suppose the MDK install solution is surely acceptable to me in the long term.

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If you do exactly the steps i put you would need re-extract to the new folder and do the same steps again.


This is the process I use:

1. set up git repository

2. clone to my modding folder (in the modding folder I have a forge folder with a sub folder for each forge version that I use modding/forge/<mc version>/<forge version>/extract

3. make a copy of the extract I need and put it in my cloned folder

4. in the cloned folder run "gradlew setupdecompworkspace eclipse"


If you are working with someone else you would just clone a branch of their project instead of making new repository.

Current Project: Armerger 

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Ok when I got the chance I decided to start setting up the MDK a while ago. The start has worked like a charm but I think I am noticed a little issue now. So, for reference I decided to use another tutorial that CPW put up, specifically for getting MDK set up:

Specifically my problem is observed at the point slightly after the 4:33 mark of the video which I have directly linked. What I noticed was, Minecraft launches just fine but I do not see example mod (of any naming scheme) loaded. Only the other 3 mods are loaded. This mustn't be a good sign I assume? I'm just wondering now what part of project config I would need to alter to fix this.


EDIT: Oh wait...could it be because I chose to use Forge for 1.8.9 because that's what I want?

EDIT#2: Actually I guess that reasoning makes no sense...whoops. Because 1.8.9 came out after CPW added the example mod on Forge repo apparently. I checked github to verify.

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I don't think the example mod gets downloaded by default anymore. at least I haven't had it show up in my stuff for a long time. And using 1.8.9 shouldn't make a difference, that said I recommend moving to 1.9 and try convincing your friend to also. With 1.9 already out and not much of the community playing in 1.8.9 yet it is very likely that majority of people will just skip straight to 1.9

Current Project: Armerger 

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Ok so...when I was trying to fix my issue again (and sadly I have failed thus far) I realised that actually ExampleMod.java is set up in my workspace..I was looking in the wrong directory at first so I thought it was indeed not downloaded somehow but no, it's there.


Do you know what might be the issue that would be making it not get loaded?


EDIT: Never mind! I realised what my, admittedly rather awkward error was. I accidentally set the "output path" for my project to be a top level (in terms of directories on my hard drive) directory "production" due to misinterpreting part of the tutorial I guess. Changing the output path to be my actual project directory has fixed my issue. :)


So woot lol, finally I suppose I can actually begin teaching myself Forge modding stuff..! Instead of fighting with IntelliJ and and other stuff to get the config right..

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