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Do you actually understand that copied vanilla code?

This is exacly why noone should just copy code from anywhere.


Now the real question is (still) - did you check if this is sync or logic mistake?

Try printing ingridient slots after you craft item.

Sync = ItemStacks on client are different than on server (client has them with stackSize = 0 and server nullified them)

Logic = Both sides have itemStacks with size = 0.


Now - I alredy told you - ItemStacks allow their size to go below 1. Whenever you decrement stack.stackSize you NEED to check if size < 1.

If it is - you need to nullify slot containing stack.


I am like 99% sure no nullifying is your problem, which I alredy told you in prev thread. Did you actually check that?


1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


So, I checked where am I decreasing and it was the crafting result slot class, which I just used without editing it.


this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotCrafting(playerInventory.player, this.craftMatrix, this.craftResult, 0, 134, 48));


OK, so I need to make my own version of that class, I see it now :P

I'll do it right now and I'll write if it works


ItemStack[] aitemstack = AltarCraftingManager.getInstance().func_180303_b(this.craftMatrix, playerIn.worldObj);

Yea, changing "CraftingManager" into "AltarCraftingManager" solved that problem xD

I'm sorry I couldn't find so obvious thing xD

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