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Setting light level doesn't work properly


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Hello everybody!


I have a problem setting the light level of a block. I'm trying to create a custom lamp. When I turn it on or off the lighting is changing, but not as it's supposed to. There seem to be 2 different types of lighting. One of those is directly affected by calling

setLightLevel(float value)

(which currently is the only thing I do to change the lighting). The other one changes when I restart the game and sometimes in game, but I can't figure out what it's triggered by. For better understanding of what I'm talking about I have some screenshots:

How it's supposed to look when it's turned off:



And this is how it is not supposed to look when turned off but sometimes does:




How it's supposed to look when turned on:




And finally how it's not supposed to look when turned on but sometimes does:




Sorry for the long post but I think the screenshots help to make my point.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

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This works but it leads me to another problem. To call setBlockState I need the BlockPos-object for the block. I tried to save it into an attribute in the onBlockPlaced-Method of the Block-class but then the BlockPos-attribute is null after restarting the game.

So my question is: Is there some kind of livecycle-method in the Block-class that is called when the game starts and has the BlockPos as a parameter or is there another way to get the BlockPos-object of my block from inside the Block-class?

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is a singleton, there is a single instance per block type shared between all blocks of that type. This means that you can't store per-position data in fields of your


(or the position itself).


Most methods of


include the


of the block that's currently being affected/queried (or whatever it is that the particular method does).

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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