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[1.9] Need help with gui


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What i am trying to do is create a GUI that allows the player to place "cubes" onto the rendered player model, but i am having issues getting where the player has clicked on the screen in relation to the players model.Too make it easier i would like to have the blocks aligned to a grid that goes around the selected body part. The player's model will not be rendered with the same rotations. I also need to know what part was clicked and translate it into where a cube should be rendered on the player's model. The GUI looks like






Gui Class: https://github.com/Wurmatron/VoidRPG/blob/master/src/main/java/wurmatron/voidrpg/client/gui/GuiArmorCustomization.java

Full Src: https://github.com/Wurmatron/VoidRPG/

- Wurmatron

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As coolAlias (I think) mentioned sometime in other post - this is impossible using standard MC entity rendering / ray trace.


Even with loads of math covering rotations and simply retrieving part of screen - this will simply not work. There is just too much factors involved.


What you "need" to do:

Stop thinking about rendering/entity as Minecraft thingy. You probably know those website skin editors? I strongly suggest looking up their code. You will need singular "pixels" (of model) to be represented by mini-entities and render all of them as singularities - only then ray trace has any point (and I don't mean minecraft's ray trace, you need to write whole system as a custom program - like those web editors).


At least - that is how I see it.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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