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[KINDA SOLVED] Any event on "Exploring a new zone" ?


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Hi guys,


I'm new to minecraft modding and i was wondering if there is an event triggered when  a player enter an area (some chunks in mc vocabulary i guess) that he never went before.

I want to know when a player is exploring a new zone.


Ty :)


(btw it's for forge version 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 as my mod is currently available for these 2 versions)

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Nope. But that would be easy to do.


Assign IEEP or Capability to EntityPlayer and @SubscribeEvent to PlayerTickEvent. Pick one of event.phase (in your case START would be better). Check position of player, get X/Y of chunk and check if entry is in Player's IEEP/Capability.

You could save them as simple int[][].


Saving that to NBT is matter of for (map) { setInteger(Key.toString(), Value) }, reading with nbt.getKeySet() - and reading by key->value.



1. Not sure method naming.

2. Link: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/

3. I belive there is EntityJoinChunk event, but I might be mistaken (lookup forge event packages).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Ty dude, might be useful; though I would like to know when a player explore for the  very first time an area.

ie your solution won't work if one installs the mod in an already existing game; as it will detect all parts of the map u already know as new for one time...

but ty for the tip.

Maybe if no such event exists, i can read files within region folder to check new zone generation ?


But i guess it might be complicated as if i can assume a player is exploring if a new file appears in one of this folder; i can't confirm he isn't exploring if no new file appears (as files cover big area and can be partialy explored)

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Ty dude, might be useful; though I would like to know when a player explore for the  very first time an area.

ie your solution won't work if one installs the mod in an already existing game; as it will detect all parts of the map u already know as new for one time...


What you want is not possible.


1. Mod can only work from time when it was installed.

2. You don't know who explored alredy generated terrain, so analizing dimension data (world's NBT) is not a way to go.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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This mod operates on client side so its region folder will only contains regions HE explored. When u join a server your client doesn't download the whole world map (i'm pretty sure of that), but just the region you're in and then the next one as u enter it...

So there must be an event (maybe a private or protected one) when the client needs new world data...

At least I could check files as i said...


Anyway, right now I'm workin on a client side single player mod. And if I want it to work on server then i might have to store data; but until then files generated by minecraft (or an appropriate event) should do the trick... I just need to know when region files are modified (and what exactly they contain (for exemple only blocks, or blocks+entity....) so i can evaluate depending on the changes volume if it's just some enderman removing a block within the region or a real world generation from the seed.))


Btw if by :

1. Mod can only work from time when it was installed.

you mean soft only work once installed, well it's a tautology so i agree ;)

but if you mean a mod can't produce retroactive effects; i don't. cause one can surely create a mod which will turn all your coal ore (even already generated one) into gold ore for exemple...

Anyway from a server point of view you were right. U just assumed a little fast I was moddin for server side (but my bad for the lack of precision ^^)

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Ok I've just watched the region file structure and seems they got all I need.. So i will mark this as [KINDA SOLVED] ;)

Sadly checkin the last modification time won't be enough  as they store both entities and blocks :(..

So maybe i will just consider the player is explorin when a new region file is generated (which if less occurate will also be less time consumin as i plan to check once every 20 sec or so... I don't need really precise trigger)

if anyone comes out with a better solution (an event in my dreams xD) i would be happy to learn it :)

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