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I am working on TileEntity and need to sync data between the client and the server. I think that I have gotten everything working, with one possible exception:


I cannot get it to sync whenever the block changes. According to outdated information, I need to use World#markBlockForUpdate, which appears to no longer exist. What do I use to replace it?


And is there a resource that I can use to find out where everything moves since outdated versions? I feel like I am missing some important trove of information.


Edit: Aparantly I just need to call this.markDirty()..? Well, maybe. Aparantly I am now getting packets of some description. The packet contains NBT data which is valid when it leaves. Sadly the NBT is gone when it arrives. Code below


public Packet<?> getDescriptionPacket()
NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
if (this.hasStoredBlock())
	NBTTagCompound stored = new NBTTagCompound();
	stored.setString("name", storedBlock.getItem().getRegistryName().toString());
	stored.setInteger("meta", storedBlock.getItemDamage());
	stored.setInteger("amount", storeAmount);
	tag.setTag("storedBlock", stored);
return new SPacketUpdateTileEntity(this.getPos(), this.getBlockMetadata(), tag);

public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, SPacketUpdateTileEntity pkt)

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