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Will MCF Mods be cancelled upon joining a server?


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I was wondering, Will my mods be disabled when I join a server. I ask this because I want to have mods for my Singleplayer world and at the same time, play on servers. Will they work on forge and be available to play? (Not that they are "Outdated") So to sum it all up, Can I have mods disabled while still being able to join a server and not having them "outdated"?


Ya know what I mean, OK?

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1. If the server is on different version then you - no matter what you do, it will kick you.

2. If server has Forge installed - it will require you to have required (which is defined by authors) mods to allow you to connect. As to other installed mods - if the server won't explicitly decide to not allow you, you can connect.

3. If you have mods on your client and connect to non-forge server - server won't care.


As to "if I can play with them installed":

Yes and no. If the mod is DESIGNED to work on Client (client mods) or is able to handle vanilla server connection - yeah, everything will work.

If the mod is not prepared to work on vanilla or is not client only - you will have problems.

Most of them will probably be display problems or errors in logs, but you will also get crashes in many cases.


What you should do:


Use official laun cher and setup 2 profiles (which is done by forge installer), and simply use profile you want to play (vanilla or forge).


So finally: NO - mods will not be disabled unless authors do it for you (they almost never do) and only mods that WILL work are client sided mods like Minimap.



1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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