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Can I get help with structures generation?


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Hello, I am just a noob modder.

The only mod I've done is a biome which spawns cats that I haven't even seen because my minecraft is extremely laggy.

I was looking at minecraft code for learning how to make a mod that would generate structures.

I am relatively new in programming also, so it is not very easy to me comprehend how are structures generated.

There are lots of functions named like func_175881_a, and several parameters like p_i45618_1_, there are many classes involved in a simple structures and they use a file format called nbt which makes it more difficult for me. It would be great if someone could explain me what is the process of a village generation. Or if you know a good tutorial for structures generation tell me please.

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depend on the version minecraft are you working whith

in 1.8 you have to play whith world-generation



im figuring out how to make this things in 1.9 but whith diferent aproach i wanna make a block all in one, per structure and this blocks

level the ground, clear the area, genereate the structure and set the looting

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Well, I don't really know how villages are generated (though I can detect them as a forge event).  I find the easiest way to generate a structure is to just place the blocks in the world after determining the location, like this:


world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z), block.getStateFromMeta(a));


Note that that uses the old meta-data (its also 1.9, but I don't think its changed from 1.8 -- in 1.7 there were no block states though and meta data was used directly).  That line needs a BlockState -- I get if from metadata read from a config file -- there are more modern ways I've not used that could be used if you aren't using a system similar to that.


The thing to do is to use create a generation handler that implements IWorldGenerator and register if with forge during the init phase like so:


GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(generationHadler, 100);


...or in its constructor (bad for blocks / items, but seems to cause no problem with world generators) like this:


GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(this, 100);


Then, in the generation handler test by whatever means you like to determine if a structure will be there.  If so, call a structure building method, which should probably be in its own class.


Then, place the blocks like above.  As far as which to place there are many ways you could do it.  You could use a 3d array that holds them, you could write functions that determine where they are.  There are a lot things you can do.  For Doomlike Dungeons I read from a bunch of 2d arrays that give heights, blocks, etc., which is procedurally generated to resemble and early '90's 2 1/2 d shooter or rpg map.  The ruins mod among others reads in schematic, and I suspect puts them in 3d arrays (not sure, its not my mod).  There are many ways you could determine what blocks to place.


One things to watch out for, though, is to remember block coordinates and chunk coordinates are not the same -- so keep track of when you need to multiply or divide by 16 to convert from one to the other.


I'm not sure I make a good tutorial author, but that should be the basics of it.


EDIT: My mod is open source if you want to look at the code.  I think code is available for Greymerk's Roguelike Dungeons and Gotolink's updates of  the old New Dungeons mod -- and probably others if you look.

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.

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