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[1.8.9] WorldSavedData not executing readFromNBT [SOLVED]

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What would cause #readFromNBT to not be called?


I have a class that extends WorldSavedData and that class overrides both writeToNBT and readFromNBT.


get method

public static WorldData get(World world)
	WorldData data = (WorldData) world.loadItemData(WorldData.class, IDENTITY);
	if(data == null)
		data = new WorldData();
		world.setItemData(IDENTITY, data);
	return data;


I use the get method and call #markDirty().  It then runs through #writeToNBT and I store data within the nbt.  I am fairly certain it is writing data correctly, but for some unknown reason, #readFromNBT is never called.


Am I suppose to register my class somewhere or...




While debugging, I have a breakpoint at where #readFromNBT starts.  Nothing ever happens for me there.  I run it in debug mode.


//Instead of this
NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList(IDENTITY, NBT.TAG_LIST);

//I should do this?
NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList(IDENTITY, NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
//Because the integer passed is the type of NBT's the list is holding?


Thanks for clarifying that bit up, was a little bit confused as to how that worked:)


Yep, in your case (which is the typical case), you should use NBT.TAG_COMPOUND when retrieving your list.


If your #readFromNBT is never getting called, is your static #get method ever called? How about #writeToNBT?


Also, I'm a little dubious about your use of long as a storage method for potentially an entire chunk's worth of data... while it may work most of the time if you generally need to store only a few positions per chunk, it seems extremely fragile to me for very little benefit. Of course, I don't know the whole story, so maybe you will only ever have 1 or 2 positions per chunk and that's fine, but something to consider.


I do call the #get method.  After marking it dirty and it saves, #writeToNBT is called.


I have a hierarchy of lists within lists...  This is saved within nbt in a long.


The chunk requires about 48 bits, (22 bits x coord, 22 bits z coord, 4 bits dimension) in order to cover the Minecraft world of chunks and in which dimension they belong.  Then, within the chunk, I store the x, y, and z coords (4 bits, 8 bits, 4 bits), taking up a total of 64 bits. (During ram usage)

So, in other words, A chunk needs 48 bits, and each block within needs 16.


I do see your point on storing a long within the nbt...  I'll work on that after getting the #readFromNBT to work.  Perhaps I just need to update my forge version.


I'll mess around with the code a little bit.


Thanks for the help thus far.


Am I suppose to call the get method in order for it to run #readFromNBT?  I do call it, but is there a certain place that I'm suppose to do that?


Also, I get this error



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