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So I've been putting together a modpack for me and my friends the past couple of days and things were going much smoother than I thought they would. Most crashes were easily fixed (missing dependencies, wrong mod versions, etc.). I got most of the mods in last night and decided to use a mod called AntiIDConflict to help me find all the ID conflicts and fix them. The mod has a setting that purposely crashes the server if it detects a conflict. I had this on for a while but decided to turn it off so that I could do all the conflicts in one go instead of constantly restarting the server which takes quite a while. It worked for a bit but after I added a few more mods the server started crashing right near the end as it was registering dimensions. I checked the crash report and noticed a mention of the AntiIDConflict mod. Figuring it wasn't a big deal to just remove it, I did. The problem is that it still crashes! With the same mention of AntiIDConflict which isn't installed! I posted on the mod page but haven't received a reply. I read the EAQ and saw that it says that "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft" means there is a client-only mod installed but the mod the crash report mentions (AntiIDConflict) isn't even installed. Not to mention it isn't a client-only mod. I've also noticed that near the end of the logs it says something about the state engine being in an incorrect state, whatever that means. So I am now hoping a kind soul can help me with this. Here are the logs:


Crash Report: http://pastebin.com/S3TrDuXf


FML Server Latest Log (Had to use github because it is over pastebin's file size limit): https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/17000a79231413ba5d47fee04a325df4/raw/8a76a7caefd15c700da91e4e78267512e05669b6/fml-server-latest.log


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)






Well, first of all the crash report is not related to the FML log, at all. The crash report is from 2am, the FML log is from 3pm.


In the crash log AntiIDConflict is indeed installed.

In the FML log there are several errors during server startup, I suspect it might be the ProjectE one causing it to fail.


Ah, I see it isn't creating crash reports anymore, I missed that. Regardless, I tried removing Project E and... It worked! Please excuse my incompetence but that is really awesome, thanks so much! Is there anyway to fix it from crashing with Project E, though? If that's not possible then no problem but one of my friends loves cheating haha. Thanks for helping me :)


It's some kind of conflict or misconfiguration with ProjectE and Chisel, so probably ask the ProjectE devs.


Awesome. Thank you so much for your help. :) I put thanks on both of your posts!

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