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Problem: New sounds don't get registered.


package registry;

import core.ModBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

public class SoundRegistry {

public static SoundEvent record_flute1;
public static SoundEvent record_flute2;

public static void registerSounds () {

	record_flute1 = registerSound( "record.flute1" );
	record_flute2 = registerSound( "record.flute2" );


private static SoundEvent registerSound ( String soundName ) {

	ResourceLocation res = new ResourceLocation ( ModBase.ID , soundName );
	return GameRegistry.register( new SoundEvent( res ).setRegistryName( res ) );




package item;

import handler.SoundHandler;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ActionResult;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import registry.SoundRegistry;

public class ItemPanFlute extends ItemBase {

public ItemPanFlute () {

	super( "pan_flute" , false );
	this.setCreativeTab( CreativeTabs.tabTools );
	this.setMaxStackSize( 1 );
	this.setMaxDamage( 500 );


public ActionResult < ItemStack > onItemRightClick ( ItemStack itemstack , World world , EntityPlayer player , EnumHand hand ) {

	try {

		if ( itemstack.getTagCompound().hasNoTags() || ( world.getTotalWorldTime() - itemstack.getTagCompound().getLong( "world_time" ) ) >= 5 ) {

			if ( !world.isRemote ) {

				float rotationPitch = ( ( - ( player.rotationPitch ) ) / 360 );
				float soundPitch = ( float ) ( rotationPitch + 1.375 );

				if ( !player.isSneaking() ) { SoundHandler.playSoundInRadius( player , 25 , SoundRegistry.record_flute1 , ( float ) 0.5 , soundPitch ); }
				else { SoundHandler.playSoundInRadius( player , 25 , SoundRegistry.record_flute2 , ( float ) 0.5 , soundPitch ); } 

				itemstack.getTagCompound().setLong( "world_time" , world.getTotalWorldTime() );
				itemstack.damageItem( 1 , player );



	} catch ( Exception ex ) {}

	return super.onItemRightClick( itemstack , world , player , hand );


public void onUpdate ( ItemStack itemstack , World world , Entity entity , int metadata , boolean bool ) {

	if ( itemstack.getTagCompound() == null ) { itemstack.setTagCompound( new NBTTagCompound() ); }





    "record.flute1": {
        "category": "record",
        "sounds": [
                "name": "betterlife:flute1",
                "stream": true
    } ,
    "record.flute2": {
        "category": "record",
        "sounds": [
                "name": "betterlife:flute2",
                "stream": true



As you can see in the 2nd code snippet: When the player sneaks and right clicks the item, the 2nd sound should be played. But this doesn't work.



Are you sure that registerSounds() is being called in the proxies? Forgetting to actually call registration methods has tripped me up before in the past.

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The method gets called.



I've got my flute. When I'm not sneaking and press the item it will play record_flute1 but when I'm sneaking and press the item, it should play record_flute2.

When I'm not sneaking it will play the sound and when I'm sneaking it will not. I already copied record_flute1 and named it record_flute2 so that I have both files BUT they are the same. Then I tested again and realized that I actually just plays record_flute1 but not record_flute2.


The base problem is commensurately that just the record_flute1 can be played.



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