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[1.8.9] Colored Chat Text only work in Eclipse


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Dear Modding Community,


I want to send a colored Text Message, in the normal ChatGUI, to the Player. I use this code:


public static void sendMessageToPlayer(String Message){

Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(getSettings().getClientSettings().getShadowModColor() + "[shadowMod]:§r " + Message));




1) getShadowModColor() returns  the String "§4" -> Minecraft Colortag for Red

2) Im not sure if it is

important but the method(getShadowModColor) is located in a serializable object


In Eclipse the Code works ok and "ShadowMod" is red. But after recompiling(and adding it to Minecraft) the Text look like this:

"�4[shadowMod]:�r Settings saved" and everything is white.


I Hope you know an answer.


Thanked advance


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