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[Solved] General concepts of modding


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First of all I want to thank the developers for giving us such a good modding tool, allowing us to add great content, always loved and now is the time to express it! :P

Well so here comes my actual question;

I don't really know how some parts of Minecraft Modding work. Like the GUI's for instance, they're kind of difficult to keep up with and very overwhelming.

Is there anyone who could clearly explain to me how the User interfaces work?

I want to add another inventory, which is just like the regular player inventory displayable by pressing the key E or whatever key you selected in your keybinds.

First I wanted to edit the base inventory by making a Key Handler which would get when the players pressed p for instance, and then displaying another inventory exactly looking like the regular inventory just with some more slots.

I could use some guidance, as in a general idea with perhaps a link to a tutorial. No need for Java tutorials, I have some experience with it as in one year of making simple programs and simple games (far not advanced as Minecraft, though).


Thank you!!!

If my question isn't clear just ask me I will edit this.

EDIT: I forgot to tell you guys the version, 1.7.10

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Two suggestions:


1) In the decompiled workspace, find a vanilla example of what you want to mod. Open it in Eclipse. Use Eclipse's "find references" and other tools to walk through the code surrounding your topic of interest. Even better, set a few break points while you're there and then run the program in the debugger so you can then step through processes you want to learn. You can then envision subclassing a vanilla thing and changing its behavior. Along the way, you may also notice calls to Forge event handlers. Make note of them; each is an opportunity to change select behavior in the vanilla classes.


2) Find Jabelar's tutorials. See if he has written about what you want to mod. But never trust any tutorial. Minecraft is a moving target, so tutorials become obsolete within months (sometime weeks) of being written. Do my 1st suggestion anyway, even if you read some tuts first.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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